
I accidently dropped my ACER 230 and now I have 2 problems. First off, the keyboard apears really springy. Second and far more important is the screen keeps going white. I tap the laptop underneath and the screen recovers but its happening more often now. Im thinking maybe something is loose inside?

Does anyone have any sugestions how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance.

Check inside the laptop for any loose cables that could have come loose when you dropped it. What kind of surface did you drop it on? Was it hard or soft? If it was a harder surface, it might have done some internal damage to the laptops screen itself.

Many thanks... But im not confident to take it apart without pictures of what goes where etc so was hoping maybe someone knew a link to some pics on line of a disasembled ACER 230. It landed on concrete from about 2 foot.

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