Hey all,

There i was, sat watching the telly, my laptop sat there, lid open, looking inconspicuious, at the windows xp home login screen. when my little brother ran in, pressed loads of the keys at the top of the keyboard and turned it off with the power button. he pressed the power button so it started to shutdown, and then held it, so it forced shutdown. and now whenever i turn it on, it says windows xp loading thingy with the load bar, and then goes to a blue screen with white writing that says

'A porblem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


followed by 'if this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen, restart your computer' and all that stuff.

need urgent help!!

Much apreciated


have a look here ,the most important part of the error message is the long number ,0x00000000b2 or what ever yours is.
check out this link= http://aumha.org/a/stop.htm

Thanks, i'll check it out and let you know what happens

have a look here ,the most important part of the error message is the long number ,0x00000000b2 or what ever yours is.
check out this link= http://aumha.org/a/stop.htm

I had tried safe mode, which didnt help, i have even tried WinPE and UBCD4WIN (basically windows live cds) . They boot, but if i try to run a virus scanner from the boot cd or use a hard disk cheking program or even back up the hard disk, i get the BAD_POOL_CALLER screen. The 'technical information is: *** STOP: 0x000000C2 (0x00000043, 0xD3600000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

If it were a hard drive problem, would i still have full access to the hard drive on UBCD4WIN through my computer? But it cant be a software problem because i can access the computer ish through live linux cds and DSL on my pen drive. i havnt a clue what the problem is. please help.

boot to the windows cd and go to R for repair and run a chkdsk /r , to check the hdd ,be careful wit UBCD4WIN ,there are programs on it that could wipe the hdd.
search google for how to use the windows recovery console if you don't know how to use it

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