Hi, I'm new here I have an old Sony Pcg-fx140 and I've been trying to boot it up since the last few months. So I know it the motherboard I predict that its dead but the power is the only

factor in question. the laptop takes 19.5v and 3.0 amps while my universal power adapter only gives out (measured with a meter) 16.52v and the amps is 2.0. besides thats the only reason that

it keeping me from thinking its dead and moving on with my life. Btw I have the whole thing disassembled I cleaned out everything dust etc. (careful about static too) and all i want is a beep form this thing, well I've done my research and hoping for an option

further info: my system has no keyboard (previous owner tore the keys off *angry*) no ram and thats about it.

thanks for all the future help

Before tell anythik about u'r problem i would like to kow how u r booting your system man .

further info: my system has no keyboard (previous owner tore the keys off *angry*) no ram and thats about it.

no ram = no boot

you have to have ram installed for it to boot

well thats the problem it won't boot at all I'm thinking its the power not enough maybe? I don't know, the person who gave this to me said it turns on but when i try it nothing happens

further more I just want to know if it beeps at least I know that the motherboard is functional
i can worry about booting up another day, or does this model specifically need ram to beep at all?

further more I just want to know if it beeps at least I know that the motherboard is functional
i can worry about booting up another day, or does this model specifically need ram to beep at all?

yes it needs to have ram installed. without ram installed the only thing that will happen is that the fans will turn on and thats it.

it will not go through POST
it will not beep
it wont do anything

until you install ram. so basically without ram installed you have a dead machine.

so install the correct ram and then you can troubleshoot to see if there is anything wrong

the fans don't turn on...... so dead right? power ok right?

the fans don't turn on...... so dead right? power ok right?

well thats hard to say.
you have an under powered power supply
you have no ram and you have no keyboard

the only way to find out for sure is either take it in to a repair shop or buy the things you need to make it work right.

and a proper power supply

have the ram, power is the last thing I need to check but its a universal power adapter it should work if that doesn't work I'm selling for parts

the laptop takes 19.5v and 3.0 amps while my universal power adapter only gives out (measured with a meter) 16.52v and the amps is 2.0

it doesn't matter that its universal, you don't have the correct volts or amps.

ok thanks the power, as i mentioned, is the last thing i have to check so far. keyboard don't really care for now. so in theory, with the proper power voltage it should work. thanks for all the help guys I'll check this tomorrow, I just hope that the computer shop won't laugh at me for having a laptop without a key board :D.

if you can is there a way to know if a motherboard is broken like visual, smell, or circuit wise thxs

i got the right power adapter, ram except the keyboard (i don't think I need it to boot) and still nothing. so thanks for all the help!

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