Hi everyone,
I am getting frustrated in my search for schematics and tutorials of cpus on the web. I've been searching for literally months, looking for at least one good tutorial on how cpus are built and how they work on a very low level.
I want to learn exactly how they work, not being happy with the most n00bish explanations such as "CPUs handle input, perform binary arithmetic in their ALU, read and write from and to memory and controlling logic and external devices".
I know there are probably thousands, if not a nearly infinite number of different ways to build a cpu, depending on what you are more concerned with - size, speed and performance or power consumption. But I want to learn in depth, exactly how a cpu performs its functions, including how its sub-modules and internal devices interact with each other.
I've found one ebook in pdf format addressing computer arithmetic which looks promising, and put it on my iPod Touch so that I could read it on break at work, but out of frustration from a lack of information that I am sure is out there but have not come across yet, I have started building my own cpu (I'm drawing out the schematics and thinking over a simple instruction set on paper right now) from scratch. But not surprisingly, I don't have enough knowledge yet to finish it, however, I have learned some interesting things with what I have got done so far.
I have some books already. I have the 8088 Project Book, and The 8086 and 8088 MIcroprocessors, as well my digital electronics book that I kept from college, and also a book on the 68000 microprocessor, but I am disappointed with the lack of internal cpu discussion. I want more information on the discreet logic gates AND/OR various TTL chips that are equivalent to the inside of a general CPU. The ideal processor for me to learn about would be something like the 8088 because of its simplicity.
The books I have talk more about bus controllers, DMA controllers, latches, instruction sets, etc., which are important to know, but have nothing to do with the internal cpu architecture.
Yes I have checked ebay and amazon, but haven't really found anything I could afford. Seems like all the really good books are well over a hundred dollars, and I'm kind of wary of dishing out that much money if I'm not really sure if it would benefit me as much as I'd hoped. Then the books I do find interesting have bad reviews.
I was hoping maybe somebody here would know of some books I should read. I already have the Master IC Cookbook, which is one of the best books any hardcore geek could ever come across, but I need more.
Any suggestions? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.