I have a sony pcg-9g1l and the screen is shadowed, does it need a new screen?

How do you mean shadowed?
Is it just dark. You may just need to adjust some settings maybe.


I can't see the arrow when moved for a few minutes it's like it's behind a white cloud.

How did htis start I mean was it during something that you were running or was it just someday you started it up and there it was. Now i wouldn't recommend you to go have the sony staff look at it as without warranty it would cost you an arm and a leg. I ll recommend for you to take it to some local pc repair shop and see what they recommend.


I assume its a notebook if it is theres three possible reasons that Im aware off for this this behaviour
1-not enough power to give proper supply to lcd
2-some source cabling not making firm contact
3-yeah you guesed it lcd running out of life
if you comfortable with opening your lappy than you can do so and just make sure all cabling is makinng firm contact

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