I would say i'm decent at data recovery. I have recovered off many hard drives, SD cards and the likes. Sometimes with 100% recovery and other times with much lower varying results.
I have Several bad 500 gb SATA Drives. 2 seagates (is the maxtor trend still there) and a WD. Running Windows XP. 3ghz... 2gb ram.
These are NOT Boot drives. I run 100gb just for windows to avoid those problems. All hard drives worked for awhile and then stopped showing up in windows, the 3 mentioned are only months old.
I can plug the hard drives directly into the motherboard, or via an extra PCI SATA card, or a USB Sata adapter.
#1) which is best to use for data recovery, or does it matter.
I have a 500gb seagate that wont show up in windows but 'Power Data Recovery' and other programs show it as 2048gb. (im assuming thats a default max value???)
So scanning it will take and estimated "9316 HOURS".
R-STUDIO is faster, but crashes with this drive, and takes 15minutes to load on an idle system.
#2) Is there better software you would recommend?
I can plug the drive via the USB -> Sata connector into a Vista laptop if that makes any difference. but its all NTFS so i don't see a reason.
i am switching to RAID1 to avoid future problems. But i need this data back.
Thanks in advance for any help!