Hi guys, new to the forum.
Having problems with my PC, basically, it won't boot.
To cut a long story short, here's the chain of events. I replaced my 256MB of DDR RAM with two new 1GB cards, this was about 4 weeks ago and the PC was running great. About 3 weeks ago, the PC became very slow, it kept freezing and the CPU Usages was always very high, usually between 95% - 100%. Following advice from another site after I asked about this problem, I got rid of ZoneAlarm and Windows Defender and replaced them with other programmes less heavy on my resources. This done nothing and I still had very high CPU Usage. After more searching I came across something that said my CPU could be overheating, so I unscewed the side panels of and unclipped my heatsink and gave it a clean, I noticed there was alot of dust on the CPU aswell so I took that out, give it a little blow clean, placed it back in and clipped the heatsink/fan in. I put in the necessary cables in the back hit the power button, but nothing appeared on my screen. The 3 fans are working, as is the DVD drive opening and closing but all I am getting is a little red LED on the front on the PC, were it should be a yellow/green one.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Many thanks,