Im trying to connect my desktop monitor to my laptop. When i connect it and switch the laptop on, the monitor works perfect. Just when windows XP loads on the monitor, the monitor switches off and displayes an out of frequency range error. If it was out of frequency, why did the monitor show up the video initially when the OS was loading?

Help would be immensely appreciated!

You need to hold "Fn" (function) and hit F8. From there just choose the image of both a desktop monitor and a laptop or the image of the desktop monitor. To switch back, do the same thing and select the lone laptop...

You need to hold "Fn" (function) and hit F8. From there just choose the image of both a desktop monitor and a laptop or the image of the desktop monitor. To switch back, do the same thing and select the lone laptop...

hi i just wanted to know will this allow me to use the monitor while the cover of my laptop is closed or do I have to keep it open all the time i use it?

The earlier diaply is Windows forcing standard 640x480 at 60Hz out the back. When it loads, you switch to the settings currently defined by the Display Properties function.

You could boot in Safe Mode (which is straight VGA) and change the Diaplay Properties to show only modes that the monitor supports and then pick one from that list.

Hopefully I'm on the right track for you.

Incidentally the Display Properties allow you define one monitor (laptop) as Primary and the other as Extended Desktop. Then you don't need this Fn+F5 business.

Whether you can leave your laptop lid closed while using the external monitor will depend on what model of laptop you have. Some manufacturers will design their laptops to detect external displays and avoid putting the laptop to sleep when one is connected and the lid is closed.

Others don't pay attention to those nasty little details. You'll just have to give it a try and see what happens.

;) very nice solution, Thanks
i will add in this information that if it doesnt work then uninstall your VGA application in safemod and restart your machine and reinstall your application for VGA.

Allah hafiz

The earlier diaply is Windows forcing standard 640x480 at 60Hz out the back. When it loads, you switch to the settings currently defined by the Display Properties function.

You could boot in Safe Mode (which is straight VGA) and change the Diaplay Properties to show only modes that the monitor supports and then pick one from that list.

Hopefully I'm on the right track for you.

Incidentally the Display Properties allow you define one monitor (laptop) as Primary and the other as Extended Desktop. Then you don't need this Fn+F5 business.

okeii okeii, my latop screen crashed like it completly broked and that why i am using the desktop screen it works but when i get into the system like into windows xp the monitor changes back to laptop and i cant see nothing becuse obisly its broken but yeah, i would like to someone tell any kind of method to connect my desktop pc to my laptop a good way based on the screen broken but okeii..


Im trying to connect my desktop monitor to my laptop. When i connect it and switch the laptop on, the monitor works perfect. Just when windows XP loads on the monitor, the monitor switches off and displayes an out of frequency range error. If it was out of frequency, why did the monitor show up the video initially when the OS was loading?

Help would be immensely appreciated!

Where and how do I hook up Laptop to Desktop

hi i am able to connect the desktop monitor to my acer laptop, and i can see my laptop screen on the the desktop monitor but i am not able to view the icons on the screen and use mouse..please help me how do i access my desktop monitor as my laptop screen?

To anybody whose screen goes blank after loading Windows, it's probably because the resolution is set higher than the monitor can handle. It might be weird if the laptop display has a higher resolution, but that's how it probably is.

I have the same problem, the desk top monitor will show the screen saver but none of the icons.
Confusingly it did work perfectly when I first connected it then on one switch on I got only the picture of the screen saver - which suggests to me that the cable is OK - anyone any advice please?
Charles Kemp

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