Hello. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for this problem. I recently replaced my CPU cooling fan with a quieter one and now my computer has problems processing video. It's jerky and what-not. Gaming is also lagging. I've never had this problem when I had my old CPU cooling fan. Any suggestions as to the problem. I appreciate the help.

Hi Dude_
This applies only if you're sure theres nothing else that you've changed.
It can be because of the CPU fan thats not installed properly. You might wanna try to turn the fan around in order give cool air to the CPU.

It looks like overheating protection of the CPU kickin' in.

If the CPU temperatures are too high, that would point to:
- lack of thermal paste if it wasn't pre-applied on new heatsink
- heatsink not tight on the CPU
- fan not spinning

Cool. Thanks for the response. I'll try this.

Hi Dude_
This applies only if you're sure theres nothing else that you've changed.
It can be because of the CPU fan thats not installed properly. You might wanna try to turn the fan around in order give cool air to the CPU.

Thanks for the reply. This makes sense.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I can hear high-pitched sounds seemingly from the CPU, almost like a dial-up modem starting up. Again, this is the first time I've heard these noises. What could that mean?

It looks like overheating protection of the CPU kickin' in.

If the CPU temperatures are too high, that would point to:
- lack of thermal paste if it wasn't pre-applied on new heatsink
- heatsink not tight on the CPU
- fan not spinning

Only sound source related to the CPU is its fan.

could be beep codes coming from the motherboard speaker ,

If its some sort of a grinding sound than it can be the fan on the CPU if you here the sound from that direction. Most likely the fan

The moment in the Apple info section the drives are set on Ownership and permssions not ticked. I unlocked the drives and applied to all enclosed items. Then did a complete shutdown including the Video Drives. It seemed to work but I am absolutely sure I tried this combo yesterday and had no joy.The strange thing about this issue is that you need to let the computer sit, open, for a few mins for it to seize the drives. They seem to be fine as long as you are constantly using them. Unfortunately with this problem it can happen in the middle of an export or render which is over a few mins long, which just crashes the system.

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Thanks everyone for your help. I'm going to try a few more things and see what happens.

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