The Dell flat screen monitor (15" E151FPb) on my daughter's computer goes white and shutting down the system for a while is the only thing that brings it back up - until it decides to do it again. I hooked it up to my desktop syatem with the same results. We purchased it in June 2003 so it's out of warranty. Can I do anything, can it be repaired, or should I make it a boat anchor and buy a new one? Thanks to all for your replies!

I may have made a newbi mistake when I thanked everyone for their replies...I should have said thanks in advance for your replies. I could still use some advice if anyone has run into this problem before.

It could be just a loose connector on the back of the computer.

It could also be malicious software. Scan the computer with a virus checker.

Otherwise, it could be either the monitor or the video card in the computer.

Try the following to find out which:

- Swap monitors with another compatible computer, and see if the trouble stays with the computer, or goes with the monitor. If the trouble stays, replace the video card. If the trouble goes, replace the monitor or have it repaired.

- Arrange the power connections so the monitor stays on when you shut down the system. If the trouble goes away when you reboot, then you need a new video card (much cheaper than a monitor).

I have the same monitor with same white screen and I have had no luck trying to repair it. It is a fault with the monitor and Dell will take no responsibility for it if you are out of warantee. Go out and buy a new one. Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted, still useful I hope!

I have the same monitor with same white screen and I have had no luck trying to repair it. It is a fault with the monitor and Dell will take no responsibility for it if you are out of warantee. Go out and buy a new one. Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted, still useful I hope!

If you disconnect the monitor, and it's white, that would show that the monitor has failed. Dell monitors are set up such that when you unplug them, they run a self-test that shows if the monitor's actual display functions are working. If not, the monitor is bad.

If your monitor fails outside of warranty, well, that's tough! You should have bought a longer warranty.

If you disconnect the monitor, and it's white, that would show that the monitor has failed. Dell monitors are set up such that when you unplug them, they run a self-test that shows if the monitor's actual display functions are working. If not, the monitor is bad.

If your monitor fails outside of warranty, well, that's tough! You should have bought a longer warranty.

Well, when you disconnect the monitor it stops being white and goes black, but the monitor is still faulty (according to Dell). I find your comment 'If your monitor fails outside of warranty, well, that's tough!' slightly surprising, I personally believe hardware should last longer than the 1 year standard warrantee Dell (used to) supply. I also suggest it should last longer than the 3 year warrantee they now supply as standard!! But perhaps I'm unusual.

Had the same. Try the Self Test Feature Check: disconnect power-cable and video-cable from monitor. Then connect just monitor's power-cable (video-cable still disconnected). The Self Test will start. It looks like a screensaver. I kept it going on and after some minutes the white screen tried to appear. The monitor reacted on this automatically and corrigated it. I kept the Self Test going on half an hour but nothing happened further. Now, two days later, the monitor still works as it has to.

This is a common problem on the Dell Flat screen, however, as Dell are just a marketing company and don't make anything themselves.

Normally this fault is coursed by dry joints on the de-sub connecter internally; just a careful quick re-solder normally cures it.

well, i had the same problem. i have had my 15" fs dell since august 2003. never had a moments problem with it. until early december. i left my pc on and when i came back 30 minutes later it had the "white screen of death". nothing cleared it so i rebooted several times and it fixed itself. i had intermitant occurances for about a week. i would do all kinds of things in an attempt to clear it - the self test worked sometimes. anyhow, i did get online long enough to discover people discussing the soldering fix. i am a handy guy but had never done anything that tedious :eek: . but i figured what the heck? what have i got to lose? if i ruin it i am not out anything because i would have had to replace the monitor anyhow. :mad: so, i get my small screwdrivers together and my soldering iron and solder. i take this thing apart like i just knew i would never get it back together correctly. i located the suspect pins and lo and behold the solders were split and crusty looking whereas all the others were smooth and shiney as they should be. then with trembling paws i dripped the hot solder on the pins and voila!! :p it was done. it took about 10 minutes to put everything back together - which gave me ample time to say a very long prayer while doing it. ;) i plug it back in - hooked up the cable, turned on my pc and YES:!: :!: it worked. i have not had a problem since - been white screen free for over 4 weeks and it feels GREAT:!: :mrgreen:

well, i had the same problem. i have had my 15" fs dell since august 2003. never had a moments problem with it. until early december. i left my pc on and when i came back 30 minutes later it had the "white screen of death". nothing cleared it so i rebooted several times and it fixed itself. i had intermitant occurances for about a week. i would do all kinds of things in an attempt to clear it - the self test worked sometimes. anyhow, i did get online long enough to discover people discussing the soldering fix. i am a handy guy but had never done anything that tedious :eek: . but i figured what the heck? what have i got to lose? if i ruin it i am not out anything because i would have had to replace the monitor anyhow. :mad: so, i get my small screwdrivers together and my soldering iron and solder. i take this thing apart like i just knew i would never get it back together correctly. i located the suspect pins and lo and behold the solders were split and crusty looking whereas all the others were smooth and shiney as they should be. then with trembling paws i dripped the hot solder on the pins and voila!! :p it was done. it took about 10 minutes to put everything back together - which gave me ample time to say a very long prayer while doing it. ;) i plug it back in - hooked up the cable, turned on my pc and YES:!: :!: it worked. i have not had a problem since - been white screen free for over 4 weeks and it feels GREAT:!: :mrgreen:

cool story. :mrgreen:

i get same problem on my dell - its a 19" TFT from 2005 - started going white on the exact day the warranty ran out :(

well, i had the same problem. i have had my 15" fs dell since august 2003. never had a moments problem with it. until early december. i left my pc on and when i came back 30 minutes later it had the "white screen of death". nothing cleared it so i rebooted several times and it fixed itself. i had intermitant occurances for about a week. i would do all kinds of things in an attempt to clear it - the self test worked sometimes. anyhow, i did get online long enough to discover people discussing the soldering fix. i am a handy guy but had never done anything that tedious :eek: . but i figured what the heck? what have i got to lose? if i ruin it i am not out anything because i would have had to replace the monitor anyhow. :mad: so, i get my small screwdrivers together and my soldering iron and solder. i take this thing apart like i just knew i would never get it back together correctly. i located the suspect pins and lo and behold the solders were split and crusty looking whereas all the others were smooth and shiney as they should be. then with trembling paws i dripped the hot solder on the pins and voila!! :p it was done. it took about 10 minutes to put everything back together - which gave me ample time to say a very long prayer while doing it. ;) i plug it back in - hooked up the cable, turned on my pc and YES:!: :!: it worked. i have not had a problem since - been white screen free for over 4 weeks and it feels GREAT:!: :mrgreen:

I have just repaired a dell E151FPb 15" monitor, there were two dry joints on the main power supply board, the solder had completely cracked away from the component pins. Maybe not enough heat applied in the first place when being built. From reading other tech sites seems common to the E151FPb Dell, should be traced back to the person on the production line maybe.

Peter - Australia

Dear Peter,

My DELL E151FPb having the same problem -> screen turn white. Could you please advice of following :
a) how to open the monitor casing ? I have taken out all screws but have difficulty to open the casing, I am afraid to break it . Could you adcise where are the "catches" around the casing .
b) what are the most likely area to look up for problem ?
Thanks !

just buy a new monitor. opening the casing is dangerous

Dear Peter,

My DELL E151FPb having the same problem -> screen turn white. Could you please advice of following :
a) how to open the monitor casing ? I have taken out all screws but have difficulty to open the casing, I am afraid to break it . Could you adcise where are the "catches" around the casing .
b) what are the most likely area to look up for problem ?
Thanks !

Once the screws are out, you can pull the case slightly open from the bottom. Then take a medium flat blade screw driver and where the two cases come together, prize them apart all the way up both sides equally. The are small plastic locking tabs that hold the two halves together. The back should then come right away. You then need to very carefully undo all the plugs and screws and lift the circuit boards out. If you are a novice be very careful. I meant to take digital photos of the strip down but as usual I forgot. lay the monitor on a towel face down so as not to scratch the screen.
Peter, Ozengines

My Dell computer screen gone white .I managed to open the casing and dismount the the pcb . Checking many times for bad solder but could not find any . Any idea what has gone wrong ? Could it be due to faulty components ? Can anyone provide some help please .

You have to look closely at all solder joints, big and small, I used a magifying glass. It could be the video cable joints also where they join the board, very fine solder pins. Other than that your on your own, sorry if I can't help further.
Yes it maybe component failure also.

You have to look closely at all solder joints, big and small, I used a magifying glass. It could be the video cable joints also where they join the board, very fine solder pins. Other than that your on your own, sorry if I can't help further.
Yes it maybe component failure also.

My monitor is working now !
Thanks Peter . :)

The Dell flat screen monitor (15" E151FPb) on my daughter's computer goes white and shutting down the system for a while is the only thing that brings it back up - until it decides to do it again. I hooked it up to my desktop syatem with the same results. We purchased it in June 2003 so it's out of warranty. Can I do anything, can it be repaired, or should I make it a boat anchor and buy a new one? Thanks to all for your replies!

My monitor has the same problem - finally reached the stage where all I had was a white screen. I called Dell to trouble shoot the problem, they had me disconnect the monitor from the computer to test it - it remained white. According to Dell, I purchased mine in May 2003, but it was still under warranty. Dell is shipping me a replacement monitor today. I guess I was lucky.
The repair listed in this string sounds relatively simple for anyone that has experience soldering, but I wouldn't have thought of using a magnifying glass to check each connection. Check with Dell before you make the monitor a boat anchor - it might still be under warranty.

The Dell flat screen monitor (15" E151FPb) on my daughter's computer goes white and shutting down the system for a while is the only thing that brings it back up - until it decides to do it again. I hooked it up to my desktop syatem with the same results. We purchased it in June 2003 so it's out of warranty. Can I do anything, can it be repaired, or should I make it a boat anchor and buy a new one? Thanks to all for your replies!

I have exactly the same problem. What can we do?

return or buy new one

There are two models of the E151fpb. the earlier models have weak solder points that need to be re-soldered. the newer versions have other problems. If your monitor works for a little while, then goes white, then i'd look at the buck resistor at the upper right hand corner of the power/inverter board and resolder the pins. I use a 5X mag glass to spot the defect. I've repaired and resold 5 of these so far.

I tried to post a photo of the board, but I can't for some reason.

Everybody in the industry, but not consumers, knows about the 'white screen' problem because it's happened on every computer part using capacitors built one year. It's the pixel controller and not the lamp one on LCDs.

Some years ago one capacitor manufacturing company reduced the costs of making capacitors. All capacitor manufacturers thought this such a grand idea they did the cost cutting as well. After a year the capacitors started going bad on all kinds of pcb boards. There was almost no news about this problem at the time. I forget where I read about this, but is was around a year after they started.

The capacitor bulges at the top and sometimes erupts. I have no idea what the eruption is. This did happen to my nice ASUS motherboard, but I didn't know until my computer would just go off. Not even the BSOD, just off. I forget how long I could use it before it would die, but I think it was about an hour or two after turning it on.

My current LCD monitor has this problem. I haven't a clue what a capacitor does but someone with skill can replace them. I have read that some folks have tried changing them on their LCD monitors with very short term success. A day or two. However, there is a recent blog entry that has pics & steps to successfully do this. I am definitely going to try this.


Don't waste money to repair it.
Just buy a now one.

I had the same problem with a Dell 1707FPc. Blank screen no self testing at all would work.
I called Dell and they gave me a hard time about the warranty being expired but eventually they sent me a brand new replacement.
I have to say I was surprised. I was expecting the whole "sorry can't help you" but they did.

i'm having the same problem with my hp laptop, i got it a year ago & already i'm having trouble with it. this is the first time the screen has turned white. i have never had this problem. my computar wasnt charged so when i turned it on it shut down. then i put it to charge and the white screen came up. i turned the computar off and on a couple of times. then finally it wasnt white! and i looked at my charging status and i only had 5 % percent available. i hope that wasn't the problem. but anyways i browsed the web and i found out that if you press the HOME button and the up botton and wait till the screen turns black it's repaired. I have tried this but it doesn't work. but many others said it does work.I've also found out that it might be something with the hard drive ( i hope not).

I have a no name 19 lcd flat. I just replaced 6 capacitors. found them online by reading the sides of the old ones. They store electricity, to the person who didn't know what they did. Anyway, the good news is I went from no screen comming on at all to this white screen of death. So I guess thats at least an improvement. going to recheck my joints since my soldiaring skills are lacking. and thats putting it extremly mildly, especialy since I see people here using magnifying glasses and all. hoping I may have plgged something up wrong and not damaged it.


The Dell flat screen monitor (15" E151FPb) on my daughter's computer goes white and shutting down the system for a while is the only thing that brings it back up - until it decides to do it again. I hooked it up to my desktop syatem with the same results. We purchased it in June 2003 so it's out of warranty. Can I do anything, can it be repaired, or should I make it a boat anchor and buy a new one? Thanks to all for your replies!

I am having the same problem except I can't get rid of the white screen even by shutting it off. The whole screen is just white. I did unplug everything from the wall and the unit but nothing has worked so far. I would appreciate some ideas.

i have a lg flatron wide screen, & my screen has gone to white screen. I jus don't kno what to do about it., Is there anyone that can help me? The screen it only 2 1/2 years old too i have tried everything to fix what i do kno but nothing. Even switched up computers & still nothing. So any help plz?

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