I have a Gateway GT5018E with Microsoft Medica Center 2004 Service Pack 3. The drive works sporadically. I spoke with Gateway, and they said replace the drive. Took it in for a new drive, and did not fix the problem. The repair specialist said he repaired the software. I have also noticed that when it does work and I install my sons games, They work for a few days, and then they are erased. I have tried everything that was suggested on line. I hope someone can help.

Do you have an anti-virus?

If you do have one you run a virus scan. Looks like it isn't just the DVD drive that is the problem.

Do you have an anti-virus?

If you do have one you run a virus scan. Looks like it isn't just the DVD drive that is the problem.

I did run it. Not solved. I have had problems since purchasing. Thanks for your help

Just for clarification, your sons games are there on the hard drive, and then they are erased?

And also, your specialist did or did not replace the drive.

CD/DVD Multi drives use a fair bit of power. You might have to open the computer up and take out the power supply unit to see what wattage it is because the specs label is usually on the hidden side.
It should be at least 450 watts. Anything less and there is not enough power for the device.
Also if you have Nero 7, or can load a trial version of Nero 7, Nero will fix the problem if there is an error in the registry. In Nero interface, the last icon on to the right, Extras > Get System Info
Just wait till the info is loaded and it will show you the specs of your CD/DVD drive.

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