I just bought a new drive & USB enclosure for backup and main music/photo directory. All formatted and recognized (able to copy files to it, etc) and have set the drive as a slave by the jumper setting so basically it's seen as an additional HDD.

I'd like to have the new drive be the "go-to" drive/library when I start up Windows Media Player - my music has outgrown the free space on my primary HDD. Same for my photos eventually too.

Is this a mapping/sharing function in each application ?


When in the media player click tools then options then chose the liabray tab then chose monitor folders click add and find the drive and add it.

Thanks. I've done that and the wmp defaults to the library on C:

I'm able to rip to the USB drive (F) and can monitor to add to the C: library but can't have the library come directly from F. Problem comes in when my music is much larger than freeC: space. Perhaps I should consider another music manager ?

I don't quite understand, but you might try MusicMatch I don't know it storage capcity but it might work.

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