I have two HP computers that have trojans that I can not get rid of so I backed up everything to computer 2 and then purchased a new Maxtor 6Y120PO drive and installed it on computer 2 with all the information I wanted to save. The instructions did fine and I was able to backup all the information from computer 2 to the new hard drive... then I formated computer 1 and transfered the new hard drive (with the information) to computer 1 but computer 1 will not recognize the new drive. Computer 1 recognizes the hard drive in the bios but I get no drive letter. When I use the MaxBlast 3 software to try to install the new drive in computer 1 it wants to format it first saying there is existing information on it and will be lost... I need to be able to transfer the information from the new hard drive to computer 1...the MaxBlast 3 program says it installed Dynamic Drive Overlay v9.84 on computer 2 but I can't get it to install the DDO on computer 1 without it first wanting to format the drive first... It has the information on it so I do not want it formated ofcourse...HELP please.
mann114 0 Newbie Poster
feigned 57 Posting Whiz
mann114 0 Newbie Poster
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
DMR 152 Wombat At Large Team Colleague
aquarius commented: I'll second that +6
aquarius 26 Light Poster
mann114 0 Newbie Poster
DaveSW 15 Master Poster
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
DaveSW 15 Master Poster
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
DaveSW 15 Master Poster
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