I get this error message when I try accessing my floppy drive from windows xp

"A:\is not accessible. The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver"

and when I try to boot from a floppy i get
"please insert system disk" or something like that

any ideas? I have changed the floppy drive about 3 times, I put 2 different cables in. It's driving me crazy I have to reload my computer and I need the floppy. is my disk controller shot ? i have an asus p2b-f mobo

I get this error message when I try accessing my floppy drive from windows xp

"A:\is not accessible. The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver"

and when I try to boot from a floppy i get
"please insert system disk" or something like that

any ideas? I have changed the floppy drive about 3 times, I put 2 different cables in. It's driving me crazy I have to reload my computer and I need the floppy. is my disk controller shot ? i have an asus p2b-f mobo

The floppy drive controller is integral to the motherboard. If it's a hardware problem, it's probably gonna be a replacement motherboard needed, unless you can find an ISA-slot floppy controller (FDC) used somewhere.

On the other hand, there is another possibility, and I have seen this--a corrupted CMOS. Check your settings for the floppy controller in your setup screen. If they appear OK, try a Reset to default. If that doesn't do the trick, remove the CMOS battery (disc-shaped, near the CPU) from its socket for about 12 hours. There is no CMOS-reset jumper on the board, so far as I can tell. If that fails to do the trick, you may have to go the FDC-card route. Good luck.

I get this error message when I try accessing my floppy drive from windows xp

"A:\is not accessible. The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver"

and when I try to boot from a floppy i get
"please insert system disk" or something like that

any ideas? I have changed the floppy drive about 3 times, I put 2 different cables in. It's driving me crazy I have to reload my computer and I need the floppy. is my disk controller shot ? i have an asus p2b-f mobo

Some of the new floppy drives are pretty wacky, they have the pin orientation reversed.
If your floppy cable is not keyed and the floppy activity light is on constantly, try flipping the floppy cable over at the end closest to the drive.

Does your floppy cable have a twist in it? If not, the floppy drive could be B:\

Another couple of points as well:

If that floppy drive is an old, used one, then try a new floppy drive. Windows XP seems to be a bit 'tochy' with older floppy drives ;)

The other thing is - why do you need it?

You can install Windows XP by booting from the CD!

I need the floppy to run the Western Digital program to test the drive because scandisk found lots of bad sectors when I did my lat reload. This is why I am reloading it because the machine is very unstable. The drive is under warrenty untill september of this year so if there is a problem with it I would like to fix it:) The floppy cable I am using now has the twist in it but had been working before. I had bought a colored cable to go with my see-through case and thats when I noticed the problem. The cable was key but my floppy drive just has the plug and no special keyed feature so you can plug the cable in any way. I flipped my cable around serveral times and much to my dismay it still didn't work. thanks for the ideas I'll try and let you guys know how I make out with it. thanks

If you're getting lots of bad sectors, then the drive has problems and you should be getting it replaced under warranty, not attempting to 'fix' it.

yes, but the thing with western digital is before you can send the drive back you need an error code from their program if you send it back without the error code they won't send you a new one. my dad told this to me I have no idea if you need the error code but I assume you do. thanks for your help

yes, but the thing with western digital is before you can send the drive back you need an error code from their program if you send it back without the error code they won't send you a new one. my dad told this to me I have no idea if you need the error code but I assume you do. thanks for your help

But what error code could possibly be worse than a bad sector? you don't get error codes for bad sectors? maybe you should try getting it replaced anyway. If they won't replace it then the warranty's no use at all...

eerrr.... uummmmm................

Tell them the "error code" is xxxxxxxxxxxx bad sectors! Do you have Consumer Rights legislation where you live?

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