Oh, please, somebody help me! when I turn the computer on, all I get is my background picture and an error message. My task manager is even blank! I don't have a start menu. In order to access aol I had to do it through the file button the task manager.
I have a portable toshiba satellite model: 5205-S703. HELLLP!!!
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster

Hit the windows key and 'E' or go to 'My Computer'
Right click on your 'C' drive and choose properties
Go to the 'Tools' Tab
Choose to run a disk check, ensure checking both options. It'll ask you to reboot. Reboot.
Allow the check disk to complete. If this doesn't fix things, you may have a hard disk failing, a partition problem, or a virus which all could give you the symptoms you're expressing.
If the above doesn't work...let us know. If anyone can help...the people here at daniweb can.
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster
the error message reads: could not start event logger.
And will doing what u said erase any of my programs?
Sessie69 0 Newbie Poster
I have been having the same trouble. I only have the "wallpaper" but I don't have any desktop icons, task bar or the start menu. I have run virus scan and adaware, and my system is clean. And, I can only connect thru the task manager too. I have been having this trouble for over a week now. How long have you been having trouble?
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster
I have been having the same trouble. I only have the "wallpaper" but I don't have any desktop icons, task bar or the start menu. I have run virus scan and adaware, and my system is clean. And, I can only connect thru the task manager too. I have been having this trouble for over a week now. How long have you been having trouble?
Since Sunday night, I did what TKS told me to and it didn't work
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster
Hit the windows key and 'E' or go to 'My Computer'
Right click on your 'C' drive and choose properties
Go to the 'Tools' Tab
Choose to run a disk check, ensure checking both options. It'll ask you to reboot. Reboot.
Allow the check disk to complete. If this doesn't fix things, you may have a hard disk failing, a partition problem, or a virus which all could give you the symptoms you're expressing.
If the above doesn't work...let us know. If anyone can help...the people here at daniweb can.
The above didn't work. What else can I do?
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
Can you boot into 'Safe Mode'?
Reboot, and before you reach the Windows Logo Screen prior to the system starting Windows, press the <F8> key repeatedly. You should get a menu of boot choices, and one of them will be 'Safe Mode'.
Try a few times if it doesn't work the first time. You need to get the timing right.
I'll research the laptop tomorrow. It's very late here. I'll see if there's a reported procedure for performing a Refresh install of Windows in case you need to do so.
alc6379 120 Cookie... That's it Team Colleague
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've probably got some MASSIVE spyware garbage going on. Honestly, I've never seen a good "recovery" from this, even after running spyware removal tools. What you might want to do instead is go into Safe Mode, like Catweazle suggested, back up your stuff, and just go for a Windows reinstall. Then, moving forward, take some of our tips in the Security Forum under consideration.
Sessie69 0 Newbie Poster
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've probably got some MASSIVE spyware garbage going on. Honestly, I've never seen a good "recovery" from this, even after running spyware removal tools. What you might want to do instead is go into Safe Mode, like Catweazle suggested, back up your stuff, and just go for a Windows reinstall. Then, moving forward, take some of our tips in the Security Forum under consideration.
I truly appreciate all of your input, but I have already tried all of these tips - including reinstalling windows - that didn't work either. I did have lots of spyware, but all have since been removed and I don't have any more virus' either. All I know is that my son was on my computer and went to a "rapper" website (killakane - or something like that) and I have been having trouble ever since then. Now, my desktop (I am the administrator on the computer) and my husband's do not have anything - icons, task bar, start button - but, my son's desktop has everything! Its the strangest thing I have ever seen! I really need to get this working again. Any other suggestions??
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
OK, an update. I've done some thorough research on your particulat laptop and Toshiba definitely do NOT list instructions for performing a Refresh install (or 'In-place upgrade') of Windows XP. They list instructions for restoring the drive image to its original factory state, but that will destroy all data on the drive, including installed programs and data files.
In fact, the only way to refresh your Windows installation might be to purchase a retail copy of Windows XP and do the refresh from the Windows CD.
That's a pretty drastic step to take of course, but so is the prospect of losing all your programs and data.
Before you go to that extent you might want to have a serious attempt at rescuing your laptop from the infestation(s) that is (are) causing your problems. Use your antivurus program to thoroughly scan your system from 'Safe Mode' and clean any virus infestation that it finds. Then follow the relevent procedures from the article "Boot, dammit, boot!" to see if you can get it back to an operating state. That article's been put together for situations such as yours, and contains a lot of useful information.
Finally, contact Toshiba's support team to see if there's an easier way to do a Refresh install than by purchasing another copy of Windows XP.
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster
Can you boot into 'Safe Mode'?
Reboot, and before you reach the Windows Logo Screen prior to the system starting Windows, press the <F8> key repeatedly. You should get a menu of boot choices, and one of them will be 'Safe Mode'.
Try a few times if it doesn't work the first time. You need to get the timing right.
I'll research the laptop tomorrow. It's very late here. I'll see if there's a reported procedure for performing a Refresh install of Windows in case you need to do so.
Did this and got the same error message
antioed 53 Posting Whiz
When you get into the task manager go to the "Applications" tab, click new task then type in explorer and click OK. If you get your Start button back go directly into the Control Panel, bring up Add/Remove Programs and remove any programs that you know you do not use. If you are unsure whether you use them I would say take a note of what it's called, remove it and then reinstall it if turns out you need it. The programs in the list called "Windows Hotfix" or "Windows XP Service Pack" should not be removed. Any *free* programs you've installed should be removed, you may like those games/utilities but 9 out of 10 problems I see with computers today are directly related to some free utility/game/stupid wallpaper that has installed something that's doing something it shouldn't be doing...if you want to keep those apps then you may also have to keep the problems that come with them. Aside from that I would refer you on to the Security area of this site to learn about methods of removing/avoiding spyware.
On the reinstall note Toshiba most likely provided an operating system when you bought your PC, if it came with XP then you have a valid license that you can use on that computer as much as you like. You can use any XP CD with a valid license and then go back and update the registration with the license that Toshiba sold you with the system. See this article from MS. Quote from MS: "Activations that use the same product key on the same computer are unlimited."
All you have to do is find someone with a XP CD and license, perform the install and then follow the instructions in that article to re-activate XP using the product key on the Certificate of Authenticity sticker that should be attached somewhere on the PC. The "backup" restore image should not be the only option available to users for recovery...generally when a user buys a machine they are required to purchase an operating system with it and if Toshiba sold the laptop with XP then Toshiba should also provide appropriate media for that OS to the end user since, for all intents and purposes, Toshiba is acting as the software reseller because they have an agreement with Microsoft to ensure that every Toshiba pc also has appropriate licensing with it. Now the machine should have come with an actual XP CD...that's how Toshiba works; if that cd was lost then one would have to borrow someone else's CD+license to perform the install - the CD should come with the machine. Users should remember: You bought XP once already with the pc...why should you have to buy it again?
Catweazle commented: Another excellent and innovative suggestion +5
fertiledreams 0 Newbie Poster
When you get into the task manager go to the "Applications" tab, click new task then type in explorer and click OK. If you get your Start button back go directly into the Control Panel, bring up Add/Remove Programs and remove any programs that you know you do not use. If you are unsure whether you use them I would say take a note of what it's called, remove it and then reinstall it if turns out you need it. The programs in the list called "Windows Hotfix" or "Windows XP Service Pack" should not be removed. Any *free* programs you've installed should be removed, you may like those games/utilities but 9 out of 10 problems I see with computers today are directly related to some free utility/game/stupid wallpaper that has installed something that's doing something it shouldn't be doing...if you want to keep those apps then you may also have to keep the problems that come with them. Aside from that I would refer you on to the Security area of this site to learn about methods of removing/avoiding spyware.
On the reinstall note Toshiba most likely provided an operating system when you bought your PC, if it came with XP then you have a valid license that you can use on that computer as much as you like. You can use any XP CD with a valid license and then go back and update the registration with the license that Toshiba sold you with the system. See this article from MS. Quote from MS: "Activations that use the same product key on the same computer are unlimited."
All you have to do is find someone with a XP CD and license, perform the install and then follow the instructions in that article to re-activate XP using the product key on the Certificate of Authenticity sticker that should be attached somewhere on the PC. The "backup" restore image should not be the only option available to users for recovery...generally when a user buys a machine they are required to purchase an operating system with it and if Toshiba sold the laptop with XP then Toshiba should also provide appropriate media for that OS to the end user since, for all intents and purposes, Toshiba is acting as the software reseller because they have an agreement with Microsoft to ensure that every Toshiba pc also has appropriate licensing with it. Now the machine should have come with an actual XP CD...that's how Toshiba works; if that cd was lost then one would have to borrow someone else's CD+license to perform the install - the CD should come with the machine. Users should remember: You bought XP once already with the pc...why should you have to buy it again?
did this too and got the same error message
antioed 53 Posting Whiz
Ok try running this (When you get into the task manager go to the "Applications" tab, click new task then ____): regsvr32 /u "%Systemroot%\System32\omniband.dll"
Then using the same method try: %System%\UnstSA2.exe
...see if you can get an uninstall running and remove the program.
If that doesn't work, same method, try:
...this will remove SP2, not really a good fix for this but you need to get back in the OS so you can remove whatever junk has gotten installed, the programs we would normally suggest for this probably won't work for this problem. I'm still learning about your problem but others are having the similar trouble that looks like it could be related to a certain adware being installed along with Service Pack 2. Do you know if you have SP2 installed? You can look for the uninstall in the Windows folder by, once again using the new task method, typing %Windir% and see if there is a folder called $NtServicePackUninstall$
...you can always reinstall SP2 after you get the junk cleared out. See If you can get to that Start menu back after removing SP2 (task manager go to the "Applications" tab, click new task then type in explorer and click OK). If you can,go directly to the Control Panel and Launch Add/Remove Programs. Follow along with the instructions below for removing from the makers of that software:
The Blazefind toolbar is located at the top of your Internet Explorer browser, below the address bar. To remove it, open the “Add-Remove Programs in the Control Panel (in START>CONTROL PANEL), select “Internet Explorer Search Bar and click on “change/remove. It should open a webpage confirming the removal.
The second part of the application is called Windows Search Functions which is uninstalled in the same way but pops message boxes to make sure you really want to remove it.
When you are uninstalling 'Windows Search Functions', you will get three pop ups to confirm your action. You must click YES to the first two pop ups and NO to the 3rd one. If you do not click NO to the third pop up, the program will not be removed.
You should reboot your computer after making a change to make sure it will be saved.
Good luck!
alc6379 120 Cookie... That's it Team Colleague
I truly appreciate all of your input, but I have already tried all of these tips - including reinstalling windows - that didn't work either. I did have lots of spyware, but all have since been removed and I don't have any more virus' either. All I know is that my son was on my computer and went to a "rapper" website (killakane - or something like that) and I have been having trouble ever since then. Now, my desktop (I am the administrator on the computer) and my husband's do not have anything - icons, task bar, start button - but, my son's desktop has everything! Its the strangest thing I have ever seen! I really need to get this working again. Any other suggestions??
You more than likely did not reinstall Windows. What I'm suggesting is back up all of your data, reformat, ie, WIPE OUT the drive, and then reinstall Windows, along with everything else on your system. If you do that, I guarantee that your problem will go away. I've never seen a single issue like this that has not been dealt with fully by wiping out the system, and performing an OS reinstallation. (Trust me, I'm a support technician-- I do 4-5 OS reinstalls a day!)
Short of that, I think that antioed's advice might do the trick, too.
Sessie69 0 Newbie Poster
You more than likely did not reinstall Windows. What I'm suggesting is back up all of your data, reformat, ie, WIPE OUT the drive, and then reinstall Windows, along with everything else on your system. If you do that, I guarantee that your problem will go away. I've never seen a single issue like this that has not been dealt with fully by wiping out the system, and performing an OS reinstallation. (Trust me, I'm a support technician-- I do 4-5 OS reinstalls a day!)
Short of that, I think that antioed's advice might do the trick, too.
Ok.....should I wipe out all user accounts or just the 2 that I am having trouble with?
Catweazle 140 Grandad Team Colleague
Sessie69, what's happened here in this thread is that you've jumped in, thinking you should discuss your problem here because it sounds like the same problem, when really it would have been better to start a new topic for your own problem.
The two situations are actually different. fertiledreams has a laptop, with just a single user account. The problems on that system mean that it doesn't work at all.
Your situation, however, is different in that one user account on the system works perfectly, whilst two other accounts do not. In your case try this:
Log in with the account that works OK. On the Start Menu, choose Control Panel then 'User Accounts.
Working on each of the faulty accounts in turn, select each, choose 'Delete the account' and then choose the 'Keep Files' button. The data files for each account will be saved to a Folder located on the Desktop.
Then create two new accounts, and copy/paste the contents of the relevent folders into 'My Documents' for the relevent new User accounts.
I hope that fixes it for you. If it doesn't you'll probably have to format the hard drive completely, install Windows again and set the whole system up all over again. you'll need help with that, of course, and the job should be discussed in its own topic.
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