Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help me with my issue.
I recently built a core 2 extreme machine with a Gigabyte 965P-D23 mobo.

When I turn on the computer, all the fans turn on but nothing appears on the monitor. Nothing beeps either.

My RAM, graphics card, psu, and monitor have all been tested on other systems and confirmed functional. I have swapped out psus and the same problem remains.

I have reset the cmos using the "shorting the pins" method and battery remove method to no avail. Is my only option now to buy a new mobo?



Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help me with my issue.
I recently built a core 2 extreme machine with a Gigabyte 965P-D23 mobo.

When I turn on the computer, all the fans turn on but nothing appears on the monitor. Nothing beeps either.

My RAM, graphics card, psu, and monitor have all been tested on other systems and confirmed functional. I have swapped out psus and the same problem remains.

I have reset the cmos using the "shorting the pins" method and battery remove method to no avail. Is my only option now to buy a new mobo?



I cant seem to figure out the problem. I would have tested the same things you tested. I would suggest you check your CPU. If thats not the problem id flag the motherboard as the problem

I had something similar a while back and it was the power unit, if you can 'borrow' one try that.

I had something similar a while back and it was the power unit, if you can 'borrow' one try that.

Read the post again! he already did that

Am I correct in assuming that you have never had it working?

It is somewhat possible to plug the 40-pin IDE cable upside-down. That would result with same symptoms as you described.
A faulty CD/DVD drive can do that too.

If the above is verified and ruled out, and if you don't have some PCI card plugged in that isn't compatible with your mobo, then your mobo is dead.

Thanks for all the input guys,

Turns out that my cpu is dead. I stuck an old core2quad in there and the thing booted up fine.

Thanks again for helping me troubleshoot the issue.


i didn't to repair because no screen.

i didn't to repair because no screen.


i believe your mobo is not compatible....or either your motherboard is the problem

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