I have an HP Compaq nx9030 that wont power up at all. At first i thought it was a battery issue, so i charged it the entire night. The light in the front went from yellow to green so i thought i had finally solved it. However, when i pressed the power button, nothing happened. The light turned back to yellow yet nothing powered up. then charged it fully again, and this time, when i pressed the power button i held it in. The light then turned to yellow again and flashed 3 or 4 times then refused to go on again. What could the problem be?? Im hoping its not a faulty motherboard?
Thanks in advanced,

Kinda sounds like the ac adapter is bad. Normally you can take the battery out of a laptop with the ac adapter plugged in, and boot. If this is not the case I would look hard at the adapter.

The problem is, it still doesnt work with the battery in and the AC adapter out... Surely it would power up on the battery alone?

The problem is, it still doesnt work with the battery in and the AC adapter out... Surely it would power up on the battery alone?

Sounds like your battery is dead. This is very common with laptops. You will have to buy another one.

Ok i will look at both the adapter and the AC cable and report back on if it works or not.

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