I have a windows XP computer and it has gone to the blue error window. I cant use the mouse or get it start so cannot download a programme to fix it. Its a very old computer that I acquired with no discs etc with it, but its worked perfectly till yesterday. I do have a laptop running vista premium, so is there anything i can download to dvd and then use in the XP computer to fix it? I am 70 so if you can give me any instructions then please make them detailed so I can follow them. I do thank anyone very much if you can help me.

What is the error message? Just the words, as the numbers don't often help.

it says the computer has been stopped to save it from harm,then something about choosing start windows normally, and there are other ways as well like safe mode but none of them work at all. if i press F8 as it says then all i get are the things to do with how the computer runs but dont know what to do about them. i did turn oneverything that was disabled or off, and tried again but still nothing. technical information says STOP:0x000000ED and then a lot of other numbers in brackets. i have read if things to download to fix the blue window but i cant use the mouse or even get to use the XP at all so cant down load anything unless my laptop running vista can help.

The Stop:0x000000ED is usually associated with a corrupt or -
Unmountable Boot Volume.
Try using the CHKDSK /R from the recovery console.If this doesn't work try running FIXBOOT( again from the Recovery Console)
You will need an Windows XP installation disk .

That will only worsen the problem... FIXBOOT from Windows XP Setup CD + Vista installed = corrupt disk (well, in this case corrupt x2)

Sparkax and I are telling you the same thing, but Chaky isn't paying attention, so ignore him.

I wasn't paying attention.... sorry.

I would like to thank you all for your help. I will go to the web address you gave me. thank you again, regards Irene

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