I have messed with computers for years. I can tell I have nothing on any of you. But, as many times as I've seen this problem since i've been here, I must point something out, and it seems if anyone can explain this , it would solve alot of peoples problems. Maybe there is a connection.
What I'm trying to so is save people from "try this" ,, "try this" . It seems impossible, but I give you my word , MANY TIMES. There is a reason, maybe not a solution, but if it could save buying all these possible parts, and then , "It works" ,,,,, and then "This post is marked as SOLVED but ;;;"
Who's gonna be the Brainiack who solves this mystery???? (how do you spell Brainiak)?
In MANY of the cases where i was making a "Frankenstein" , the computer started off with the fan starting, and the hard drive running, and nothing else, I couldn't get the keyboard to do anything; The computer would be soooo busy doing nothing, that well , yeah..
So I'd put it aside for a couple days and work on another one,
So why is it that ALL of them would end up working FINE after they sat for a while?
NOTE: I DID NOTHING TO THEM IN THAT TIME, SOME TIMES I WOULDN'T EVEN UNPLUG THEM, BUT THEY WOULD WORK... I could turn around and install an operating system or just fix the one it has.
How is this?