Every time I turn my printer on it does a test page. Wasting lots of ink :-( ... Any ideas how to stop this? Thank, John

Is this a new development (a fault), or something it's always done (a feature)?

Does it do this all by itself (isolated from network/PC etc), or only when you start windows (for example)

It will do it without being connected to the computer. This never happen till I added a new B/W ink cartridge last week.

Ah, and I bet it isn't a "manufacturer recommended" one either, but some cheaper compatible clone.

Complain to whoever sold you the cartridge for
- a workaround
- something with better compatibility
- your money back

No, it was what the manufacture choice. do you think that's the problem?

I think you have to check it your cartridge for this problem.Or you have to complain to that company of printer.

> No, it was what the manufacture choice. do you think that's the problem?
You should definitely be hassling them for the answer.

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