Hi, I got this mnotherboard posted and then went in the cmos/bios settings to set it up. I then saved my changes and then the monitor won't display a signal. Have tried the gfx card in another computer and its fine. I've cleared cmos also. Please help (Xmas pressie)

Hi, I've cleared cmos also. Please help (Xmas pressie)

Have you set cmos default and saved the changes

I can't do it on the screen as no signal but I've reset cmos with the jumper setting, (thanks for replying :).

Also I've tried with the drives out and have resat the ram.

Hi, I got this mnotherboard posted and then went in the cmos/bios settings to set it up. I then saved my changes and then the monitor won't display a signal. Have tried the gfx card in another computer and its fine. I've cleared cmos also. Please help (Xmas pressie)

Are you getting any beep codes or any other indications that the system is starting up (such as the keyboard lights flashing)?

I in the exact same boat with the same mobo and the same symptoms. I changed the FSB setting to 200mhz (from 166) and now the damn thing won't boot. Tried the jumper drill to get the default CMOS butno effect. Guess I try removing the batt. next. PITA!


Noticed I was using the BIOS Password jumper and NOT the CMOS jumper. Located the right jumper and problem solved.

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