I have a machin, its mother board's LED is on but do not work any thing. I have replaced Processor, RAM,Hard even battery but not working. Please tell me about this problem.

I've had motherboards that act just like this (and have one now). I hate to tell you, but it sounds like it's shot.

shorts can be fixed most problems are is people put the mb in the wrong type case or touch it with hands with out touching the case at the same time take the mb out and look and see the case is touching the mb some whare also make sure you have the right power supply wats like 180 to 300 are common for newer mb and if you have volt meter test the power supply to make sure it working and make shore the mb caps on the mb is not blown ty paul post back if you need more info

This is a support question, not a hardware swap. Moved.

I have a machin, its mother board's LED is on but do not work any thing. I have replaced Processor, RAM,Hard even battery but not working. Please tell me about this problem.

Check ur motherboard component.

commented: not very helpful! -4

Check ur motherboard component.


I have a machin, its mother board's LED is on but do not work any thing. I have replaced Processor, RAM,Hard even battery but not working. Please tell me about this problem.

Your motherboard controller chip is not working,so replace your motherboard instead of CPU,RAM and Hard.

shorts can be fixed most problems are is people put the mb in the wrong type case or touch it with hands with out touching the case at the same time take the mb out and look and see the case is touching the mb some whare also make sure you have the right power supply wats like 180 to 300 are common for newer mb and if you have volt meter test the power supply to make sure it working and make shore the mb caps on the mb is not blown ty paul post back if you need more info

You may want to try a little punctuation as your post makes no sense at all.
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