
New to group and you seem to be a helpful group of people so I'll post here as a last effort before the go to the scrap box.

I have an hp pavillion 8660C (got it cheap)

heres the problem; When booting i goto the black screen and get the following.

PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.F
Copyright 1985-1998 Phoenix Technologies LTD.
All Rights Reserved

Intel Pentium Processor 533 MHz
640K System RAM Passed
126m Extended Ram Passed
128K Cache SRAM Passed
System BIOS shadowed
Video BIOS shadowed
UMB upper limit segment address: E8B3

Press <F1> to enter SETUP

I press <F1> and it will then say Entering SETUP but it never does anything else.

Here is what I have done;
Tried just starting it- Nothing
Removed all add-in cards- same

Tried a known good processor get the same
Tired the unknown processor in a known good motherboard get no video on that board - something to figure out another time.
removed memory - got no memory beep code
tested removed memory in good system- No problems
used known good memory in system- same result

I have also reset the BIOS by taking the battery out and waiting overnight. and putting it back in. same result

tested power supply - tested ok
All fans work

Anyone got any other ideas? Motherboard and Processor just junk?

Any and all help with this is greatly appreciated.


Pull the cmos battery wait an hour then boot without it.

It may have been flashed un-sucessfully...

The first part of the code was written then poof..

Just a guess..

Pull the cmos battery wait an hour then boot without it.

It may have been flashed un-sucessfully...

The first part of the code was written then poof..

Just a guess..

Thanks for the post, gave it a shot but as I thought without the battery dont get anything but the fans.

i'll leave it out for the rest of the night now and see what I can come up with tommorrow.

I have an emanchine desktop computer. When I put it on the fan turns on but it is not coming on. what do I do

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