Hi all
I am thinking about upgrading my PC. At the moment I am looking at just a new motherboard and a new Processor and DDr3 ram
Motherboard: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/167782#
Processor: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/168970/show_product_reviews
Ram: http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/mpartspecs.aspx?mtbpoid=4B84BC76A5CA7304
I am only thinking of 2GB of RAM now due to lack of money but I will probably ly take up to more later. So far I am intending to use my current case and Graphics card-GEForce 8500 GT and my sound card-CA0106 Soundblaster.
If i were to get a new case I saw this one for a good price and decent reviews http://www.ebuyer.com/product/136491 That case comes with 450w PSU but if I didnt get that case would my current 400w PSU suffice?
Can I have your thought please on the parts whats good bad etc... please note I am on a budget of around £300 so far I think its about £273.
I would also use my current XP home 32 bit, obviously if I were to go about 3.5 GB then I would probably get Win 7 64
Many thanks