I have E-1400 by second hand. Looks the same as the ESSENTIAL but has 800 MHz speed. This compact desktop of some time ago is rather noisy. The previous owner had mentioned about the fan noise. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Replace the fan with a newer and quieter one, of course.

Replace the fan with a newer and quieter one, of course.

Oh, Catweazle. Thank you so much. :p
I didn't know whether there are other sources of the noise.
If this is definitely the fan noise, I can solve by replacing.
Bright people! Please let me be in this group. Thank you again.
Good day!


No need to be facetious. What did you expect? You asked a question and it was answered. A fan is a mechanical component. When it wears out and becomes noisy it needs to be replaced. Any other 'tricks' to quieten it down are only stop-gaps which make it slightly longer before the fan falls to bits!

We can't hand out magic potions.

If you suspect the noise might not be the fan, open the system case, turn the PC on and check.

Im going to hijack this topic. I recently was in my case while it was running, and hit my fan (case fan not cpu) with my finger. Now it is very loud. I think I hit it off of its ball bearnings or somthing. Is there any way to take off the fan blade or somthing of that sort?

Please don't hijack topics.

Please note that your question has already been answered. New fans are cheap and it's not worth the effort of trying to get old ones working again! You'll find that the same sentiments have been expressed by numerous people in other similar topics.

When someone asks a question I am sure they are SMART enough to know to REPLACE the blades without a smart aleck giving this answer! Why does the public INSIST on being this way? Why not be helpful WHICH IS WHAT THESE FORUMS are for !!!!! TRY being helpful or DO NOT HELP AT ALL!!! This world is full enough of people like YOU!!!!


such anger

FOR SURE1 I hate ignorance and smart alecks.

Well I suppose you COULD say that however I would expect people ask question to get a serious answer and when others submist stupid ignorant replies it is a waste of time and effort. I hate wasting MY time, what about YOU???

I would expect people ask question to get a serious answer and when others submist stupid ignorant replies it is a waste of time and effort. I hate wasting MY time when I need help, what about YOU???

like the time you are wasting now !lol

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