Hi, i got this computer like 6 months ago. i got it from www.ibuypower.com
when i first got the computer, the fan didnt work, until yesterday my friend came over and told me that the professor will get burned down if the fan does not work. today, i called ibuypower and the told me to make sure that i connect the fan to the CPU. I have no idea wut to do, can ne 1 help me? any help will be appreciated.

Hi Kaiking which fan is not working ? Cooling fan mounted on top of CPU or, powersupply Fan at the back?If cooling fan is not working, make sure your CPU cooling fan wires(black,red,and yellow)are connected to cooling fan pins on the mother board.Still doesn't work need cleaning the fan or replace. If power supply fan is not working, better buy a new psu and replace. they are not expensive any way.

Good luck.

The powersupply fan isnt working. i got the the orion xp400. its gettin hot ezly. i can get one but i duno how to install it if i get the new one. cuz it got lots of wires in it. Any thing i can do to get it working? would it effect my PC if its fan is not working? like it creates heat and burn down the mother board or profesor?

Hi kaiking328,

would it effect my PC if its fan is not working? like it creates heat and burn down the mother board or profesor

Yup,.. you need to get that fan working. iF IT'S NOT WORKING.. THEN THE POWER SUPPLY IS DYING. :(
If the computer's still under warranty.. then get the powersupply replaced.
It's real easy to replace. One internal cord goes to the motherboard, one to the hard drive, one to the floppy, one to the cd/dvd and one to the front panel light. Then your done.
Hope this helps :)

Yes. Thnx this does help a lot. i will call ibuypower for replacement. but i got a question, if i want a replacement, do they mail me the powersupply or they take the computer and repair it and mail me back the computer?

i decided to buy a powersupply. but i dont no which one should i get. i use amd athleon. and i think will get the orion w485. but there are many crazy lines. which goes to which. theres many similar lines...

Hi again ,
All power supplys have basically 3-4 different sizes of connectors. What each connector is allowed to connect to is determined by the connector size. The connectors should also be labeled according to size (ie. PE 2, PE 3 ..etc). You can't get the connectors hooked up wrong because the connector size exactly fits the matching connector on the hard drive or motherboard or LED panel lights ...etc.
Go to my website & read everything in the "beginners section" & the "articles section". It should be clearer for you after you do that. Also read the "don't get taken" section for recommendations on how to work with repair services & parts replacement issues.


a question, if i want a replacement, do they mail me the powersupply or they take the computer and repair it and mail me back the computer?a question, if i want a replacement, do they mail me the powersupply or they take the computer and repair it and mail me back the computer?

This all depends on ibuypowers warranty & replacement policy. If it's still under warranty they should do it for you. Just ask them.
Good luck :)

PS- please post back here & let me know how well it all worked out..
or if you have any other questions.
PPS- If I helped you.. Please vote for me using the "Rate Post" button above-Thanks :cool:

Yes, that was very helpful. and i also followed ur instruction called ibuypower. they r mailing mea new powersupply. and with ur second post i will be able to install it my self. Thnx

BTW, it's called a processor, not a professor.
Just couldn't resist pointing that out :)

Hi again ,
Great to see that I helped you to get the problem solved !! :D

Yes, that was very helpful. and i also followed ur instruction called ibuypower. they r mailing mea new powersupply. and with ur second post i will be able to install it my self. Thnx

Post back if you have any more problems

i got a new problem, its not dealing with fans but microphone. i dont no where to plug the thing cuz theres 2 ways of those holes....

Hi again ,
Check your computer's back panel specs (look in the user manual that came with the computer). That should tell you which "plugin" is correct for your microphone. Also check the spec sheet that came with your microphone for more hints.
That should solve the problem. If not..
then you need to do a hardware troubleshooting on your sound/audio system.
You can get instructions at my website in the "SOUND/aUDIO" section.
Good luck !

Hehe, I laughed when you called it a professor, shows how one misheard word can change your impression on the item entirely.

You should have absolutely no problems gearing up your microphone, if you put it into the wrong plugin then it won't affect your computer or your mic at all.

To test it, don't use something like MSN Messenger. Press Start->Programs->Accessories->Entertainment->Sound Recorder on Windows systems.

Hehe, I laughed when you called it a professor, shows how one misheard word can change your impression on the item entirely.

Reminds me of a game we played when I was little. We called it the telephone. We were a bunch of kids in a circle, one thought of a phrase said it silently to the one to his/her left and he/she said it to the other and so on... At the end, most of the time, the phrase was all messed up. :D

For the microphone, the plugs on the back of your computer might be color coded. If so, plug it in the pink plug, green is for speakers. There might also have a symbol of a microphone near the proper plug.

Reminds me of a game we played when I was little. We called it the telephone. We were a bunch of kids in a circle, one thought of a phrase said it silently to the one to his/her left and he/she said it to the other and so on... At the end, most of the time, the phrase was all messed up. :D

For the microphone, the plugs on the back of your computer might be color coded. If so, plug it in the pink plug, green is for speakers. There might also have a symbol of a microphone near the proper plug.

Sort of like Chinese Whispers?

That game can be hilarious, it goes like:
"I ate a red plum."
"Kiel has a fat mum."

Yeah i guess its how we call that game. lol
Im francophone so I didnt know how to translate it in English :D.

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