:( i had a laptop computer - Sony Vaio - K series - PCG-K315M

I dont know what i did but now my computer is having no operation system. Before it was Window XP Home edition - Service Pack 2.

Then, i tried to install another Window ( Window XP Professional - SP2) and it worked well but my laptop screen (X-black LCD 1280x800 widescreen) is now 1024x768 non-widescreen. it might be due to lack of monitor driver (Radeon-ATI , i guess!)

I need somewhere to download my Sony Vaio K series drivers but i dont know where i can download it, even Sony Vaio website, they 'till do NOT have these drivers for K series.

So that another way, i need a sony vaio system recovery disc (Sony Vaio is no longer supply it with thier product)

Please help me and tell me what i should do to get my laptop screen back to widescreen and all drivers that need for my Laptop!

Thanks and waiting 4 you!

:( i had a laptop computer - Sony Vaio - K series - PCG-K315M

I dont know what i did but now my computer is having no operation system. Before it was Window XP Home edition - Service Pack 2.

Then, i tried to install another Window ( Window XP Professional - SP2) and it worked well but my laptop screen (X-black LCD 1280x800 widescreen) is now 1024x768 non-widescreen. it might be due to lack of monitor driver (Radeon-ATI , i guess!)

I need somewhere to download my Sony Vaio K series drivers but i dont know where i can download it, even Sony Vaio website, they 'till do NOT have these drivers for K series.

So that another way, i need a sony vaio system recovery disc (Sony Vaio is no longer supply it with thier product)

Please help me and tell me what i should do to get my laptop screen back to widescreen and all drivers that need for my Laptop!

Thanks and waiting 4 you!

ok, firstly did you install the upgrade version or the full version of xp pro? im hoping you said an upgrade version.

secondly have you tried to phone the sony helpline about your problem. they might not supply the recovery disks with the machine anymore but i cant see any reason as to why they cannot supply one if you phone and ask for it. be ware though you might have to pay a small sum for it.

Do you know exactly what graphics chip/adaptor you're running? check your user manual. drivers can sometimes be obtained from the chip/adaptor manufacturers website.

Also presumably if your system is working and booting ok, maybe you just need to reset your screen resolution. in windows this is done by going into START- control panel - Appearance and themes - change the screen resolution. this brings up the display properties settings tab

also im sorry to say that your drivers will need reinstalling after recovery:)

Just a quick note - the only way I solved our troubles with the same laptop is by purchasing the recovery disks from Sony direct at a cost...as you say, they dont provide them as you are offered the option of creating back up disks on first start up....Hope this helps.

I have PC vaio PCG-R505GC.
My PC loss all hotkey so can not use the Jog dial also, My PC' supply disks were damaged,
Where can i get : 1/ Sony Utilities Dll, 2/ Hotkeyutility, 3/ Sony shared libary
What can i do now?
Please help me!

Hi There,

I bought a second hand Vaio notebook (PCG-K66P) it worked fine for a year. Now some keys don't work. I can only decrease the volume and the brigthness but can't increase it. Delete and backspace also don't work.

Please help me !!!!!!!!!:?:


Got my friends laptop as you are (PCG-K315M)... Been trying to get hold of its Recovery Disc but with no luck.

Been also checking the net for the original disc.

Upgrading to Windows XP Pro... Is the OS works well?

I will try to find the video driver, ATI RADEON IGP 345M.


so i got a vaio (PCG-7H1L) about a year ago and i have been having trouble with it for a while. It just doesn't run as smoothly as it used to.

Anyway, now when i go to turn it on it takes 20min to login, and then it only loads my background, and that's on a good day.

Does anyone know what i can do to fix it?

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ok people, go to www.sonystyle.com and go to the support section.

type in your model number, and if it doesnt accept it, try and cut off the last number or letter, like on mine, VGN FE790G, I had to take off the G to be able to get to the correct drivers for my laptop.

If it doesnt accept your model number, you can try the UK sites. Sometimes they support models that the US sites dont.

Download just about everything you can and install them in the order that makes sense to you.

If you install everything, your computer should work properly.

As far as stuck keys go, pop them off, clean them out and pop them back on.

Windows 7 is out. My Vaio (VGN-FZ260e) is only 2 years old. I tried installing the 7 upgrade and get BSODs and programs hang, etc. I just off chat with sony support. they have no plans to provide updated drivers for windows 7. Seems they want us to buy a newer one! I'm selling my Vaio and will NEVER buy another Sony computer again!


This is Khondker from Bangladesh. My father bought me a Sony( Vaio -VGN SR43G) from Malaysia. It was working fine for 4 months. But now a problem has appeared.
The problem is - When I switch on or power my laptop. It starts.
The power indicator light remains green .But my Lcd screen appears black. It doesn’t has brightness or light. I reinstalled my system, but no progress. At the time of booting, my screen shows light for 1 second, after that it remains black. If I plug other monitor it shows the screen there properly. But my laptop screen remains black.

What should I do? Please answer me with your help.


hi Emm here....i got sony vaio....window 7...i could not be able to connect with internet.....issue found is.."The device or resource(www.mocrosoft.com)is not set up to accept connections on port "The World Wide Web service(HTTP)"....plz help me...thanks...

cute ,mocrosoft lol

my daughter has been using my com,not it wont let me log into my user account i am the owner ...syas it does not recognise the password. have tried to reset but it is asking for a removeable disc?????????????

I have model pcg7h1l and my caps lock and numbers lock button wont go off there fore not allowing my computer to load up what can i do

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