My Sony Vaio PCG-V505BC won't boot. I've tried to boot it, with the battery alone. Screen stays black. The same with two different ac power supplies.

Please advise!



Please give us some history on the problem, and post as many details as you can about what exactly you mean when you say it won't boot (does the fan turn on? LEDs? Can you hear the drive spin? etc., etc.)

I did a fresh install of everything (XP Pro, Office 2003, etc) about two weeks ago. Everything worked great for 3 or 4 days, and then last Friday morning when i turned on power, the computer hung up on the SONY logo with all LED's going. Tried rebooting same result. Tried booting up in Safe Mode, same result. Sequence is XP Pro logo on black screen, very brief bright blue DOS pop-up page (so fast i cannot read the page) and then hangs up again on the Sony Logo

Hi Batt,

First of all- welcome to DaniWeb :)

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Thanks for understanding.

I Have A Sony Vaio Pcg V505bc This Morning Simply Went Dead!! Have Any Idea What I Can Do?


run windows xp recovery console and run command
"chkdsk /r" to check the disk and restore the file system files

after that type exit to restart the system. it should bootnow.

for more tips and tricks visit


Vaio will only start to reboot/setup recovery utility then declares 'error' 'press any key' over and over.

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