My toshiba P30 won't boot at all. The power light goes on, fan works, dvd work fine, harddrive doesn't spin though. Total black screen. I tried an external monitor, same result. The harddrive LED doesn't flicker as it does usually when the harddrive is accessed. This problem started last night.

Here's more info... Few months ago, my computer was overheating, I opened it up and cleaned the heatsink, it was badly cluged. I put it back together, but I still had a little problem with the screen where most of the times it's normal, but sometimes you get different coloring as if some filter was applied. Anyway, as I was playing around with it to figure out the problem, I figured if I touch or apply some pressure onto the video connector on the motherboard, it works again. Last night, I was doing that and then screen became distorted then eventually it just shot off... Initially I thought it's the screen. I tried it with an external monitor as I mentioned, but that didn't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

HI, it's me again. I wanted to update my previous post. The harddrive does spin as well.
So could it be the CPU?


Most likely your VGA got toasted. Those color distortions you described indicate that a connection between display and VGA was faulty (maybe even shorted) which can cause VGA to fry (remeber, VGA memory is the easiest thing to burn). Only thing missing here is POST beeping (which is not a "must be"). So, if external monitor is not getting any signal from your VGA means that VGA is not emitting any.
And, with laptops, toasted VGA means toasted motherboard means take out what you can and dich the rest.

Most likely your VGA got toasted. Those color distortions you described indicate that a connection between display and VGA was faulty (maybe even shorted) which can cause VGA to fry (remeber, VGA memory is the easiest thing to burn). Only thing missing here is POST beeping (which is not a "must be"). So, if external monitor is not getting any signal from your VGA means that VGA is not emitting any.
And, with laptops, toasted VGA means toasted motherboard means take out what you can and dich the rest.

thanx for the reply. I finally was able to resolve the problem :)
Actually the IT Manager at work did for me hehehe. There was a conductor slipped out of place. He soldered it for me and voila... everything worked again. As for the color distoration, he also soldered the connections between the montior connector cable and the motherboard to make sure they work fine. That indeed fixed the color distoration. So few days ago I was thinking of selling it for parts, now it's back new :cheesy:

I hope that helps anyone that comes across a similar issue.


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