My toshiba laptop A10 model: PSA10C-05hvm crashed i did not know how it happen this prompt just appeared:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

<Window root>\system32\hal.dll

the bggest problem is i cant boot to the DVD drive..i cant even use the recovery disks...i tried calling toshiba tech support unfortunately the warranty has expired...i tried using f12 and delete but it wont respond..i can still enter the bios but i can only change time and user password i cannot change boot sequence...

toshiba laptops are good when its working but when it crashes your doomed!!

im using a toshiba R/10, to get to your cd tray you have to change the bios by pressing esc f1 or f3.

to just boot from dvd press f8-f12 repadely as soon as the computer starts.

i tried f1 or f2 but it is not responding...when i tried f12 i heard beeps but it did not boot to the dvd drive

well hit all the F buttons at the same time. It should take you to a screen with four icons on the bottom. Go to the right, where approximitly in the middle where the cd is.

if that doesnt work, i guess you have to call those untrained technitions :-/

tnx....i'll try that tonight...hope it laptops sucks!!!!

yah they do, im going to mac and im gonna dual boot it with linux

Hi I am having problems with my Toshiba, seems to be really unstable
loosing key startup files, even after a re-install.
Hope this is not to late, if your recovery cds are anything like mine. Put the 1st cd in the drive, power down, then power up holding the C key down and it will take you into the recovery program.

My toshiba laptop A10 model: PSA10C-05hvm crashed i did not know how it happen this prompt just appeared:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

<Window root>\system32\hal.dll

the bggest problem is i cant boot to the DVD drive..i cant even use the recovery disks...i tried calling toshiba tech support unfortunately the warranty has expired...i tried using f12 and delete but it wont respond..i can still enter the bios but i can only change time and user password i cannot change boot sequence...

toshiba laptops are good when its working but when it crashes your doomed!!

What is have is a very short methods to force boot to CD-ROM
FIIRST: Remove the hard sidk from the laptop.
The hard is a pluggable device which you can plug in and plug
out of the laptop.

SECOND: Put on the computer without the hard disk and do not place
any bootable CD in the CD-ROM.

This will force the bios agent to change the boot priority from
hard disk to CD-ROm for good.

When it boots up it will give an IDE0 Error and restart the
you a invalid system disk. Plese insert valid system disk.

THIRD: Place the bootable CD or recovery cd, turn off the laptop.
Then plug back the hard disk to the laptop and turn off the
the laptop.
You don't need to press anything and it first boot straight from the
CD-ROM and you are done.

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