I e-mailed ccompaq and they told me to take out the battery and unplug the battery cord and then hold the power button down for 45 seconds. I did this and it still doesn't work. What else can I do?

I'm going to ask a stupid question. But are we talking about a laptop here.

I'm going to say yes... ;) because I don't know of Desktops that require batteries.

When you say will not start. Are we talking about. You push the button and absolutely nothing happens?


When you push the button you here little whirring noises that could be fans or the harddrive spinning?

This will tell a lot. Also... Are there any beeps.

The power light comes on and you hear a brief sound and then nothing. the first time that I did the reset I had a screen that came up as distorted and unreadable.

Ok... Lets see... I hate laptops... it sounds like it might be a motherboard problem and holding the power button down was supposed to reset the CMOS.

But obviously it didn't work.

Is the computer still under factory warrenty?

No the computer is out of warranty

Oh drats.... well.... I would suggest you replace the computer.

Laptops are very aggeravating to tear apart. Especially trying to find something as small as CMOS jumpers...

but then again.

You might want to try Compaq's solution a couple more times.

And you might want to call them again and tell them it didn't work.
Not that the people here aren't good. But sometime the people that make the computer know a little more about everything that goes on with their computers.

I know I have had to go back and call dell a couple times because I myself and 5 other people on different forums couldn't come up with a solution that worked. The dell tech got it on the third try :( made me feel kinda bad though....

Also if you do replace the computer. Consider a different brand. Compaq is fairly good. But there are better brands out there. The preference is yours.

Let me know if compaq has a different solution, or if they don't.
I will try to find out more about this problem in the meantime.

I heard that it's better to just buy a brand new computer then have a motherboard replace for a laptop. Having never had to do that what does it usually costs and have a motherboard replaced for a laptop?

The motherboard itself will set you back anywhere from 400 to 800 dollars..

then there is tearing the computer apart or having someone do it for you.

I'll be honest. The last laptop of mine that I took apart to remove the Hard Drive took to hours to take apart. and I never got it put back together.

Sooo.. it is definately cheaper to buy a whole new system...

umm.. did you try to email me?

Yea I did. Wanted thank you for the help.

Oh.. Anytime anytime at all


Just joining this forum - saw you had a problem with your Compaq 2500 laptop(same as mine) with no power. Is your problem solved?

jfarc if you are having a power problem try looking at some of the other forums already solved dealing with power problems. If they do not fit or resolve your problem please start you own thread. We here at DaniWeb will be happy to help you out. :)


I wanted to see who had the same issue I had(which I had resolved) and offer my experience. Mine is still under warranty, but this is the third time it is being sent in for the same thing(loose solder joints at DC recepticle). I wanted to get an idea of how many others are having this issue with the Compaq so I can better make my stance with the manufacturer about getting it upgraded.

I'm glad I found the several forums out here, I'll never buy another piece of hardware without checking in to see what the community thinks about it.

I am having the same problem with the DC connector.

I am having the same problem with the DC connector.

Yeh, it's such a bad design having the connector on the board, which then takes all the stress of plugging/unplugging, let alone the heat from the power supply.

I got mine back for the third time(lucky I opted for the service plan) last month and have had no problems since.

I understand you can buy a DC jack and replace it yourself if you are capable of handling it.

I e-mailed ccompaq and they told me to take out the battery and unplug the battery cord and then hold the power button down for 45 seconds. I did this and it still doesn't work. What else can I do?

I tried your method and it did not work. I was reading the troubleshooting manual and it said to remove all but one stick of memory and it works. Well, for my case, I just added another stick memory and it cause some problem. Something to try out if you did install new memory in the last few months. I hope this helps.


I wanted to see who had the same issue I had(which I had resolved) and offer my experience. Mine is still under warranty, but this is the third time it is being sent in for the same thing(loose solder joints at DC recepticle). I wanted to get an idea of how many others are having this issue with the Compaq so I can better make my stance with the manufacturer about getting it upgraded.

I'm glad I found the several forums out here, I'll never buy another piece of hardware without checking in to see what the community thinks about it.[/quot
I have taken the whole laptop apart and found the dc connector broken. I'm having trouble finding a replacement connector. I don't want to spend much money on this laptop, because it has always had a problem locking up.

My computer is not loading operating system! nor booting with CDROM works. It detects boot-able CD but when it comes for HDD it just shows black screen , computer is still On. I detached the HDD and with a converter i connected it with my desktop computer. it works. It goes to BIOS Setup but problem occurs when after booting loading Windows comes. What should i do?

hi my laptop comes on but its says microsoft was unsuccesfully installed and it keeps coming on and off wat can i do?

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