My Presario R3000 laptop recently got a virus and i would like to restore the system back to factory settings. I have already backed up the files i want to keep and have been trying to work out how to do this all evening and night without success.

Can anybody tell me how to restore the laptop without a disk that most people seem to be suggesting. I have no disks that came with the laptop.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

My Presario R3000 laptop recently got a virus and i would like to restore the system back to factory settings. I have already backed up the files i want to keep and have been trying to work out how to do this all evening and night without success.

Can anybody tell me how to restore the laptop without a disk that most people seem to be suggesting. I have no disks that came with the laptop.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

I assume you do not know if you have a (viable) Recovery Partiton?

-- Do you have any option in Control Panel for System Recovery or Recovery Manager?

Sometimes you can access this by tapping F11 or F9 on boot (tends to vary and I can't remember what compaq is - your owner's manual ought to say).


I have no idea what a (viable) Recovery Partiton is so i doubt i have got one and i have no manuals or anything that came with the laptop, it's quite old.
Also there's no option for recovery in the control panel.

it's quite old.
Also there's no option for recovery in the control panel.

OK - It doesn't look as though a System Recovery is an option for you. Most (read All) newer machines come with a "Recovery Partition" on the hard drive which can be used to reset a machine to its "right out of the box" state.
Manufacturers stopped supplying Windows CDs and DVDs - people had to burn their own recovery disks using the default partition.

Anyhoo, your options are pretty much limited to trying to obtain Recovery Disk from manufacturer or buying a new Windows OS disk or scrapping the machine altogether.

-- Lastly, you could post a thread for help in the Viruses/Spyware forum and see if your machine can be cleaned of whatever is ailing it....

Best Luck :)

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