I have a Toshiba Tecra 8100 that freezes up. It freezes up at random, on any web page or web site, with no apparent reason. I have re-installed the OS(XP Pro), including reformatting the hard drive, so I know it is not software. The only thing I can do is turn it off and start over.I don't know where to begin looking for an answer; Could someone help? Thanks for any advice.

possibly ram memory going bad

Does it only freeze up when viewing web sites or does it also happen when working in other programs like word processing or games? If it only does it with web sites I would need a little more information about what type of internet connection you have and any other hardware involved (like broadband router or wireless hubs) in your local connection.

It happens randomly; sometimes when I first turn it on, when I am still on my desktop, sometimes when I am on a website. I have seen no pattern.

Download memtest86 at http://www.memtest86.com/ to run a memory diagnostic test. You can also usa a Knoppix CD- at the boot prompt you can run a memory test by typing "memtest" (without the quotes) and pressing enter. If the memory checks fine, then start by verifying your hard drive is not damaged or corrupted using the diagnostic utility from the hard drive manufacturer's site. If your hard drive passes, check to make sure your cooling fan is running. If the fan is not running or seems to run slowly, you may have an overheating problem. Another thing to try is to run the laptop from the AC adapter with the battery removed. Also check to make sure the AC adapter is supply the correct voltage for your laptop. If you do not have the original adapter or are using a universal adapter, make sure the current rating is equal to or greater than the requirement listed on the bottom of the laptop. If this doesn't fix your problem, then you may need to dig into the laptop internals.

doing memtest86 and or taking out one of the mem sticks and run for awhile and checking hd for errors and power suppy

I am having a similar, if not the same issue. Are you connected to the internet via wireless? If not, is your wireless device on? Do you have to be on a website for it to freeze, because sometimes mine will freeze without even being on the internet yet, but I know it has to be wireless device related. So try disabling your wireless and see if your comp freezes. For me, I already did memtest and completely passed.

I have a Toshiba Tecra 8100 that freezes up. It freezes up at random, on any web page or web site, with no apparent reason. I have re-installed the OS(XP Pro), including reformatting the hard drive, so I know it is not software. The only thing I can do is turn it off and start over.I don't know where to begin looking for an answer; Could someone help? Thanks for any advice.

Check the FAN speed of the laptop and see if there is any dust clouded the heatsink.

Hope this helps!
Tech Manager

Yes, first check for overheating issues. I doubt this will work for you, but here is a link to fan control software, made primarily for dell laptops: http://www.diefer.de/i8kfan/index.html Either way you should probably try clean your vents just to help, even if it isn't the issue.
Memtest86 is a great second option. Just give it a usb flash drive and run the program. Then boot to the usb when you boot up.
Try to connect to your network via ethernet and turn off the wireless.

1) Check see whether you have enough space
2) Check your ram
3) Check whether it overheat or not although i doubt this

Is your drivers all up to date

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