hen I play gamne my computer is turning itself off. I have virus checked spyware checked and had someone look over my hi-jack this log and found nothing, but when i opened up my computer after it happened yesterday i fealt my graphics card and it was hot to the touch. Therefore i am presuming that this is the problem.
So what can be done. As a temporary solution i have a house fan running into the back of my computer hoping that this will cure it but this is obviously far from ideal(and really isn't working). Is it a case of chucking an extra fan into my computer or has a heat sink died on my graphics card.
I was vaguely thinking about upgrading my current card(ati radeon 9800) to one of the new ultra bling ati x850 would this cure my gremlins and do any of them come with a built in fan?? which one would you reccomend?