Dear All,

My computer system is very problmatic in many ways(5 year old)now iam planing to upgrade the system,as i am not required huge storage so won't change hard drive(80 gb)only processor, mother bord and ram, will anyone will suggest me is it possiable with same cabinet with existing hard drive, i can upgrade the system.

Please post your current OS, and PC specs.

processor pentium IV,ram 512 mb, harddisk 80gb, os windows xp

Do you know the motherboard model number?

We could do with a more detailed specification. RAM type/frequency, CPU speed etc...

Usually the cheapest and most effective upgrade is increasing the RAM, however you may be limited to certain amounts or may have few slots free.

However it may work out cheaper getting a new motherboard and the components needed.

- Get back to us on those more detailed specs.

processor pentium IV, 2.40 ghz,mother board asus, with 2 slots for RAM.

You can use back the same cabinet. I assume your HDD is IDE type (correct me if i'm wrong), even though you got a very good processor you wont have a fast file transfer speed, I'll recommend you to consider change your HDD as well and the old 80GB HDD for backup purposes. Since PC hardware price is quite reasonable nowadays.

As Xlphos mentioned before, the cheapest upgrade is upgrade the RAM. 2GB RAM should be quite efficient for normal usage.

If you are normal user (word processing, document type of person):-
Basically you just need to upgrade your RAM only.
If you plan to use it for the next 4 years, you may consider upgrade your board that can support core 2 duo / dual core, motherboard with 4 RAM slots with built in VGA port and Speaker port. 2GB RAM will do. If you plan to migrate your OS to Windows 7, make your RAM to 3GB. No graphic card is required.

We cant really quote you the best specs, as your thread has limited information for us to provide you the best answer. If you can provide us more information as mention below:
1. Your usage for this PC (What you use on your PC most of the time)
2. Motherboard Model Type (If you have the model type pls provide)

I think, just only upgrade your ram. I upgrade from 512 to 768MB, it work well.

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