Im new to the forum and I was wondering if some of you could help me build my pc. I have bought a couple of magazines and have been surfing the web on how to do it. It doesnt seem that hard but if you have any words of wisdom please share.
Im lookng at spending no more than $750 net cost for everything including the monitor.
If you have any suggestions on what components you think I should get it would be greatly appreciated.These are the stats of the components im looking for:
Monitor-17inch around $100
Processor- intel p4 around $160
Harddrive-40-60G 7200 around $70
Memmory-512 DDR around $80
Motherboard-??? around $80
Video- something nice geforcefx,radeon... around $100-$150
Sound-creative maybe around $40
Speakers-??? around $40
Case w/ps- around $65
Diskdrives- Im mainly looking to burn cds and to play games.???
Ive been looking on ebay and pricewatch for pricing.
Please help me in anyway possible I would appreciate any advice. I dont want to make costly mistakes.