Hi guys I am looking for some advice/suggestions.
Just this week I bought a new comp and love it :)
I do have an old PC its connect in my LAN however its is about 5-6 yrs old now and I am thinking of upgrading.
OLD PC'S Specs:
P3, 450 MHZ, 196 RAM, 12 GB HD, CD Burner, Cd Drive, Xcel 2000Mother board ( only 3 yrs old)
Right now I have room just enough for one HD as my IDE wire has a clip that's free. Now for about almost 1 yr I've been living with that old pc and after a few hours it has a bad lag, not sure what the problem is. I doubt its the hard drive as I am on the LAN listening to music from my old pc on this new one and there is no lag.
I thought the PC was overheating but im not really sure why it lags a lot as hours pass by it gets worser and worser however it isnt bad enough to a point where it freezes it just lags say if you reply on forums or write.
I can easily get used parts for the PC but I just need input on if the costs will be worth it and what parts to upgrade.
Hope people here can help me out. Thanks :)