Anyone have any experience with "machine exception errors, I've googled it and get a few corses of action but i'm looking to narrow it down. I've got a foxconn mobo 6150, aspire x-pac case, 2gb OCZ ram, AMD athlon 1.8ghz cpu.
I can test or replace the ram
replace the power supply with something more powerful
I don't think it has to do with the temp. I have gauges run and both the cpu and hard drives never really get above 32 degrees celcius.
Or is there some random hardware problem, mobo, d-link wireless, seagate hard drives, the OCZ ram, or my amd chip??????or the powersupply can't power the 2 hd, 2 cd drives, floppy, mobo, and wireless card???
Any Idea's Anyone.....Just lookin for suggestions with out buying parts and randomly replacing stuff.