Hey all I recently upgraded my old processor and motherboard to relatively newer products.
Old processor: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Pentium%204%20515-515J%202.93%20GHz%20-%20JM80547PE0771M.html
Old motherboard: http://www.superwarehouse.com/Intel_Desktop_Board_D945GPM/BOXD945GPMLKR/p/1481364
New processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846
New motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130266
The operating system was Windows XP Media Center 2005 SP2.
Monitor: http://www.samsung.com/ae/consumer/computers-peripherals/monitors/lcd-monitor/LS19PEJSFV/XSG/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=specification
The video card I use is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130335.
Power supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817194007
The card has been working perfectly ever since I bought it 2 years ago but I feel like something got fried along the way. But on to the facts.
I unscrewed everything from the old system as I was supposed to and installed all cables/wires/etc in the proper sockets of the new motherboard and then proceeded to install the new processor into the motherboard. Getting the video card in was a bit of a hassle because of it's size but everything went about as expected the first time. I booted up the system but was greeted with the message that Windows cannot recognize the change of hardware screen. I should have anticipated this but a friend had told me there could be a chance I wouldn't need to go through the process of backing everything up + reinstalling Windows for the new hardware. Unfortunately when I bought this Alienware setup 4 years ago they neglected to send a copy of the Windows XP CD so that I could simply have done a repair yet I have the serial number attached to the computer case. At this point I did not want to lose some important data on the hdd so I proceeded to install the old motherboard + processor in place to transfer files out.
Fast forward half an hour and as I finished up and put all of the old components back into place I connected the monitor to the video card and started up the computer. The computer operated just fine but the monitor was in the state as if the computer was turned off. I simply thought it was a faulty connection so I turned the computer off made sure the monitor was tightly fastened to the video card slot and that the video card itself was secured in the pci express slot. Turned the system on again to no avail.
I took all of this out and replaced it back into the new motherboard and alas now not even the 'Windows cannot recognize the hardware' screen comes up. The monitor simply cannot recognize that there's a video card attached. So a friend and I take the graphics card over to his place to see if his system will recognize the card but yet again, on a different monitor, the video card wasn't being recognized and the monitor was simply a black screen. We went back to my place connected my monitor to the integrated graphics slot on the msi board and went about installing windows xp + setting everything up. Now the board and processor I bought are completely fine but I'm down my Geforce 8800 gt card. I feel like I was firm but gentle enough to remove it from the socket without damaging the card. Did something get fried when switching in and out between motherboards? The video card's fan is operating fine and when the video card's own power supply is not connected I get a constant screeching beep which means that at least the system recognizes that there is something in the slot that is not getting any power? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.