I seem to have a very simliar problem. I have a perfect working computer 800mhz celeron, 350w power supply, windows xp 324mb ram geforce4. I am upgrading to a athlon 2600+ using the same hard drives, power supply, have new 512mb ram for it. On starting it up it posts fine, recognises the hdds are present but then stops. No drives are attempted to be accessed to boot up from. It is an asus A7N8X, not trying to overclock. The bootable hdd with xp on is a seagate ata 66 13GB. It wont boot??? No error messages, no beeps.
I am wondering if my prob is the power supply, old and cheap atx 350W. Could the athlon need too much juice for the hdd to work if the power supply is a bit rubbish? 350W should be fine but it was a very cheap psu. It works fine in my old system.