My husband's computer monitor is blank upon turning the computer on *Gateway Dual Core. I have the exact same computer. We tried a different monitor, but that didn't work. It appears to me that the video is on the motherboard. I spoke to an old timer like me, and when he first said, it may be the BIOS, I freaked. But he explained that the BIOS can be manipulated by the software.

The problem in testing is I have to use the controls during startup by memory, which isn't that hard for me to do. I HAD an eidetic memory, but I have a head injury, and my memory is still off. Nevertheless, it is coming back.
We are connected by a router and have the same IP address. Running Windows XP media center.

As jumpers don't seem to be important now, can I get a new video card and disable the video on the motherboard? Or is it simpler than that? I can write out steps to take to narrow down the source, but I'd have to learn about the BIOS. I looked at mine, but I'm reluctant to touch: I don't know what I'm doing!

I just thought of possibly using my boot disk to see if it's a rouge driver, but I can't try it for a few hours. If someone reads this this afternoon, and has an idea, could you please let me know? My husband has a low tolerance for frustration, and I can't work on his computer until around 6 EST.

Even if the boot disk works, I might not know why. Of course if I can get in there, I'll start in safe mode, but can any one give me any other steps? I know this is a difficult question, but i have afternoon to know what I need to know.

I was Director of a Computer Center at a Law School, but that was almost 20 years ago. When 20 MB hard disks came out, it was like WOO-HOO! I keep up with the basics, but if you can direct me to read something. I learn by doing, but I can't take that risk with his computer.


It seems to be a very common problem on Gateways and I haven't seen a fix for it as yet. Do you know how to test the power supply unit?

I didn't sign in first, so I lost the reply. It was too long anyway. The short answer is no, not that I can recall. Then again, I know I had a boot DVD that was easy to make, and last night, couldn't do it. Tried DOS, and it didn't work.
So I'm working blind, but if you tell me what to do, I can look at my monitor, and go to his computer (eidetic memory, despite head injury.)
What makes you think it's the power supply?

Gateways are made cheaply with cheapo components. Their PSU's are of a very very low quality indeed and are prone to failure. I have binned quite a few Gateway PSU's over the last couple of years!

I get it. So, can you direct me to how to test it? Blindly, but I'll remember how. I have the manual, so I know how to replace it, but is there a chance it's software related, like the BIOS, (which is not the same as it was in the early '90s.)
O boy, I have the same computer he has, only he got mine on sale.

If the screen is showing no output at all then it cannot be software related. In order to test the PSU you will need an know how to use a digital volt meter and a wire link.

If you think you can do this then I can give you more instructions!

I don't have the tools. the screen does say 'no signal.' Still, if I'm going to be facing this...I have always learned by doing. So I would have to order a digital volt meter and a wire link. I could give you my background, but I think it would make for a bad post. Given that I order this, 1. Do you know where I can get non-grey tools online? and 2. Can I contact you once they arrive? I'm disabled, awaiting surgery, I've got a million of things to do re: blogs, advocacy, etc. But this sounds like a heck of a lot more fun!!! Thanks again!

Digital volt meters can be bought cheaply all over the place! Mine only cost £19.99 as an example! Ebay will have plenty of cheap ones available. The wire link can be made out of just about anything metallic includin a humble paper clip!

You have no idea how much paper clips mean to me! One day of ennui, I unbent one, used cookie & coffee filters, painted them, and sold them as flowers. It's essential to any kit. My husband goes to EBay, but I don't have an account. I'll find a place w/Google Checkout. So you won't mind if I contact you? You can just give me a reading list, or I'll do a search for instructions, and I'll let you know how it turns out. Happy New Year (if that's appropriate to you,) and again, thanks. I'll keep the thread open, if you don't mind?

With the refreshing gung-ho attitude you have I am more than happy to help! :)

Sooo many people on here are really hard work to get any information out of in order to help them, but you are the exact opposite!

You can contact me anytime! :)

that is the sweetest thing anyone said all year! lol Thank you. I know how much time it takes to help others, and I'm grateful for your help.

Absolutely any time! :) All year? You mean today lol :D

First of all, Let's recap... Your monitor won't turn on, you tried another monitor and it too would'nt turn on (right)? Your video card is built into the motherboard? OK, get a PCI type (plug and play) video card and put it in your system, it should solve your problem. If you still don't get a picture... the MB might be bad. Any audible beeps? Any but one is bad news.

Hope it works out!

My husband's computer monitor is blank upon turning the computer on *Gateway Dual Core. I have the exact same computer. We tried a different monitor, but that didn't work. It appears to me that the video is on the motherboard. I spoke to an old timer like me, and when he first said, it may be the BIOS, I freaked. But he explained that the BIOS can be manipulated by the software.

The problem in testing is I have to use the controls during startup by memory, which isn't that hard for me to do. I HAD an eidetic memory, but I have a head injury, and my memory is still off. Nevertheless, it is coming back.
We are connected by a router and have the same IP address. Running Windows XP media center.

As jumpers don't seem to be important now, can I get a new video card and disable the video on the motherboard? Or is it simpler than that? I can write out steps to take to narrow down the source, but I'd have to learn about the BIOS. I looked at mine, but I'm reluctant to touch: I don't know what I'm doing!

I just thought of possibly using my boot disk to see if it's a rouge driver, but I can't try it for a few hours. If someone reads this this afternoon, and has an idea, could you please let me know? My husband has a low tolerance for frustration, and I can't work on his computer until around 6 EST.

Even if the boot disk works, I might not know why. Of course if I can get in there, I'll start in safe mode, but can any one give me any other steps? I know this is a difficult question, but i have afternoon to know what I need to know.

I was Director of a Computer Center at a Law School, but that was almost 20 years ago. When 20 MB hard disks came out, it was like WOO-HOO! I keep up with the basics, but if you can direct me to read something. I learn by doing, but I can't take that risk with his computer.


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