I never liked Intel compared to AMD but lately I have used a few intel processors in laptops (older ones). The speed might be like 1.8GHz but it compares to like 2._GHz to amd cpu's...
I want to build my own ultimate computer. I was going to use the AMD 1100T processor but was looking and found the Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40GHz, obviosly it is .1GHz quicker but it is only $100 more instead of the usally $1000 processor by intel. It is socket 1155 so not vary common but seems worth it.
I compared at this site http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-2600K+%40+3.40GHz, and it looks like it is twice as better...
Why? I am assuming it is the hyper-threading, becuase it has a rank of twice as much.....
What do you think?