I have a 2TB external hard drive that I'm trying to format, however, although the computer recognizes the hard drive it isn't allowing me to name or format the drive. I'm running Windows XP. The hard drive was previously formatted on a Windows 98 PC.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

Have you tried to use manage to format it?

Have you tried to use manage to format it?

I did. I can see the partitions and the details, it just wont let me do anything with them.


In disk manager did you right click on the partition > properties, type a name and click apply/ok?

- Let us know how it goes.


In disk manager did you right click on the partition > properties, type a name and click apply/ok?

- Let us know how it goes.

Tried that and all that comes up is "Help?" I think I'm going to have to pull it out of its case and plug it directly into a desktop and see if that works.

Well, erase your hard drive and see whethers your hard drive allow itself to do so. Go and erase it, after that type in a name for the hard drive and all is well. Now you can use the hard drive. Hopes it helps

try this .. goto command prompt,, type the following command format X: /fs:ntfs or fs:fat32 where x is the name of your drive.. hope it works..

Thanks. I'll see if I can get these to work.

you are welcome, tell us if it works. If not we will give you more suggestion. Best of luck

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