I am looking at building my own custom case. When I was looking at a plexiglass cases they look pretty straight forward, except what thickness should the acrylic be?
But I was looking at some computer cases like....
I mean how would I go about making somthing like these, what materials, how to form the metals, and etc.
Plus what do you think would look cool for a computer case? But keep in mind that the motherboard would probobly be an extended ATX, I would want several video cards and use the other PCI Slots (I found high speed x16 PCI slot extender cables so manuvering them will not be terible at least). I will have liquid cooling in the future and I think that will make it look beasty with UV sensitive lines running around?? Somthing, thats where I am stuck and am not sure on what design. If I fall in love with the idea I will try my best to be able to make it, what ever it takes....