:mad: Building my 2nd system for mother. Parts as follows:
Case Antec SLK1650 w/ Antec 350w ps
MB Epox 8kda3i
RAM Crucial 2 x 256mb
Graphic card- Asus V9400-x 64MB ddr
Processor- AMD Sempron64 2800+ RTL
Problem: Upon install of only above components, at power-up, fans turn for only split second as power button is pressed and onboard MB LED display light for the same split second. Cannot even get a display on monitor or get to first POST!! Same problem as before I exchanged PS as tried all combo's of parts on buddies machine and thought we narrowed prob down to PS. Just installed new ps and these basic components and same result! ARGGGHHH! Any ideas? Anyone?
Have exchanged MB, PS, tried different Video card and memory in another system. Last chance I guess is bad CPU?!?? Is this a common issue and if anyone has had any similar problem please post or email me at corkykat at yahoo dot com. Thanks!!