HP Pavilion DV2700 - Vista Windows OS

the backspace does not work and only the g and the h and the ' key on the "a" row work.
I have changed the keyboard - brand new - still the same keys do not work. Why? and is there a fix?

The problem started after some juice was spilled on the computer. Below is a sampling of the keys that DO work. pushed in sequence across the board. An external USB keyboard does work.


You will need to take it to a professional for diagnosis. Liquid spills can do a lot of damage to laptops. You also need to get whoever you take it to to clean the heatsink and put fresh thermal paste on the CPU and GPU as the DV series are notorious for having the built in graphics fail, and when they fail, they cost a small fortune to put right.

May be your keyword is not adjust properly. You need to take it the service center or a Laptop expert who are able to rectify your problem.

Are the keys sticking? Have you taken the keyboard off to see what kind of damage has been done?

Quoted from the very first post.

I have changed the keyboard - brand new - still the same keys do not work.

A couple of the keys on the original keyboard were sticking and I took them off and cleaned the keyboard. Since it still did not work, I had purchased a new keyboard for this laptop, received it, and installed it without a problem - other than the exact same keys do not work, all seemingly on the same row. In talking with a "service center" I am told the motherboard will need to be replaced. I really would like to do this fix myself, even if it means replacing the motherboard, as I enjoy this type of work (hobby) and want to learn more about how it all goes together, or comes apart (!). I really want to know what it is that controls the keyboard, or could the connector on the motherboard be dirty (from the spill)? Looking for technical information.

could the connector on the motherboard be dirty (from the spill)?

Well it could be. You said you wanted to fix the motherboad yourself, do you know how to do it?

I know how to pull the entire laptop apart. I know how to put it back together (with new parts or old). I have not been "formally trained" thus any knowledge of the need to "clean the heatsink and put fresh thermal paste on the CPU and GPU" I am only just learning. So when you ask if I know how to fix the motherboard myself, my answer is - not yet (or it would be done already) but I am learning.

What keeps running through my mind is that only one row of keys (and not all of that row) is not working. What would control only one row of keys? Wouldn't the entire keyboard be out if something was shorted on the motherboard?

Hey man, I was just wondering: did you ever get your problem fixed? I'm having the exact same issue right now (juice spilled, keyboard died completely, bought a new, identical one, but SOME keys don't work. External USB keyboard works fine).

I hope you can reply. Thx in advance!!

No, sorry. No one was able to come up with a fix. Seems odd that only certain keys don't work. I tried cleaning everything I could. No luck. Bought small external keyboard that works fine for now.

Hey man, I was just wondering: did you ever get your problem fixed? I'm having the exact same issue right now (juice spilled, keyboard died completely, bought a new, identical one, but SOME keys don't work. External USB keyboard works fine).

I hope you can reply. Thx in advance!!

Hmmm, well, thank you anyway, man. My keyboard is still messed up too. Maybe something in the motherboard is indeed dirty/fried. Any external usb keyboard works fine, so I'll have to stick with one of those. Thanks again :)

go to repair shop for cleaning of your laptop keyboard...

sometimes i faced this kinds of problem. but after setup windows it fixed for me now

Go to www.singlelaptopkeys.com , they gonna help you.

The keyboard controller on the motherboard is continuously scanning the keyboard for keys that have been pressed. When a key is pressed, basically the controller detects that the key at position x (row) y (column) has been pressed, and that is decoded into the appropriate key by software. Since the same keys on the old and new keyboard are not being detected, then either the controller is bad, or the cable (as suggested above) has been damaged. My guess is that the liquid spill has caused damage to the controller. Take it to an authorized HP repair depot. Best guess is that they will replace the motherboard as replacing a lot of the soldered-on components is really not feasible as a field or depot repair.

MY laptop is doing the same things with the same freaking keys and i didnt spill a thing and my orig laptop broke but my dad lemme borrow his and this is happening on his. i swear ididnt spill anythin but he's gonna kill me im googling things now and seeing that HP laptops can do this from time to time but i dunno how to fix it yet!

Then replace the key that is not working well. From http://www.replacementlaptopkeys.com you will be allowed to replace even a single key of your laptop of any brand. I think no need to replace the whole keyboard.

You can go to the service centre and share the exact problem to them. They will resolve it easily.

If you have changed the keyboard and still the keys are not working then definitely the problem is with your windows. If you have a restore point please try to go bac to the last restore point and see if it helps or not.

commented: 8 years for a reply? Be timely or folk may think you are spamming. -3
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