I have an Acer 244TXV laptop(18 Months old). 5 keys have stopped working. When I plugged a full size keyboard in the same keys would not work. Any suggestions on how I might fix this problem.

Well, you have eliminated the KB as the problem, this leads me to believe that the problem is on the MB. Did you get extended warranty?

my accer laptop not working on stating windows which function key use to enable keyboard

my accer laptop keyboard not working on stating windows which function key use to enable keyboard

my accer ms2220 laptop keyboard not working on stating windows which function key use to enable keyboard

my accer ms2220 laptop keyboard not working on stating windows which function key use to enable keyboard

2 laptops here no FN key to enable keyboard on either of them ,i think its default to be working when it boots up windows

Have you tried safe mode?

The mobo KB controller seems faulty.

hope this helps!

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