Hello, I am getting a whole new system, I am getting a "mini" pc, a "mini" keyboard, and A "mini" monitor But I cannot find the monitor anywhere, I want one like Jack Osbournes. If you seen the episode with that weird guy with fizzy hair you will notice his flat-wide "black" screen monitor.. It's about 6.5-7 inches.. I will kill for a monitor just like that.. Please help me if you can at all, I may reward the helpers leading to a not to costly link for the purchase of the monitor..

i dont no were you could even find a monitor that big. where did you get the rest of the stuff.


Have you looked at the Smart Monitors, they're 12" to 15", are touch sensitive, and are wireless (e.g. you can carry them around with you making your PC accessible from any room of your house).

i dont no were you could even find a monitor that big. where did you get the rest of the stuff.



Have you looked at the Smart Monitors, they're 12" to 15", are touch sensitive, and are wireless (e.g. you can carry them around with you making your PC accessible from any room of your house).

Can you please find me a link ?

Sorry for false promises :(
It looks as if the "Smart Display" is manufactured by ViewSonic and other companies, but endorsed by Microsoft. It seems that some of the special features of this monitor only work with WindowsXP. :(


Sorry for false promises :(
It looks as if the "Smart Display" is manufactured by ViewSonic and other companies, but endorsed by Microsoft. It seems that some of the special features of this monitor only work with WindowsXP. :(


*sighs* Thank you anyways... It's for a Linux "sales" box. For my I guess you could call it a small computer repair/tech buisness.. We make very good profitable money. I want to turn the computer into a cash register so to speak, and also a scheduler for apointments to get other's computers fixed..

EDIT- By the way, can anyone guide me the right direction towards some excelent "freeware" buisness programs ? Places I could download such as download.com maybe ?

have you tried cdw.com or buy.com ??
their hardware prices are pretty competitive

have you tried cdw.com or buy.com ??
their hardware prices are pretty competitive

Can you please give me some kind of idea of what software I will need ?

Well, this is very broad depending on what sort of business you are running. What exactly do you need? A huge application to manage finances, sales, etc etc or a simple database to keep track of sales and customer records? Unfortunately, I have no experience with any software of this type in the *Nix area.

Well, this is very broad depending on what sort of business you are running. What exactly do you need? A huge application to manage finances, sales, etc etc or a simple database to keep track of sales and customer records? Unfortunately, I have no experience with any software of this type in the *Nix area.

I own a small buisness I started a website www.geocities.com/zerounixinc we deal with little buisness needs, I just need something so I can record appointments, what people need, ect...

You might be better off simply using a relational database here instead of business software. You can customize fields, tables, etc.

You might be better off simply using a relational database here instead of business software. You can customize fields, tables, etc.

I prefer freeware could you give me a link ?

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