It could be my display card or the monitor, but I'm not sure which one.

When it boots to windows all I get are vertical lines; can see fragmented tiny pieces of the desktop. The video card is a SiS 6326agp. When I look in the Device Manager it appears to be installed correctly, no exclamation mark indicating something afoul. The monitor shows one of the standard 98SE icons, and it appears to be alright, no exlamation mark there either. The monitor is a Visual Sensations Model KD-1732. I do not have the orginal mfgrs. driver. Could that be the problem, or should the Win98 drivers suffice? Is there anything else in the system that could cause this?

Any help appreciated.


sound like resolution (800x600 or 1026x768) set higher than the monitor will handle .boot in safe mode(hit f8 while computer is booting ) and change it to 640x480 and reboot

I'm about to run out the door, but I'll try that when I get back.


sound like resolution (800x600 or 1026x768) set higher than the monitor will handle .boot in safe mode(hit f8 while computer is booting ) and change it to 640x480 and reboot

That didn't turn out to be the problem. I replaced the agp board, still had problems. It seemed to play havoc with with several sections of the Device Manager. I suppose it could be the slot has gone bad or something in the MB. I put and old PCI display card in there and it seems to work now and no problems in the Device Manager anymore. I dunno.

Thanks again,

. I replaced the agp board, still had problems. It seemed to play havoc with with several sections of the Device Manager. I suppose it could be the slot has gone bad or something in the MB.
Thanks again,

Is the agp card compatiable with the board .like you are not trying to use a 8x card in a 2x/4x board .also there is a agp ram setting in the bios that might be set to high .

BuddyB did you buy that card at CompUSA mallory lane Brentwood? If so the guys in the UPGRADE dept can help you get the right card.
Post the specs of your motherboard and video cards.

Big "B",
I didn't get the card from CompUSA in Brentwood, but I'm probably going to go over there tomorrow. I am working on a Tyan Trinity 100 MB, almost 300 megs of RAM and the card I stuck in is an Albatron TNT2M4 with 32 megs of 143MHz SDRAM memory. So far I'm not getting squat. In BIOS I've changed the AGP aperture down to 16, then 32, then 64. It seems to function best at 32, but still I'm getting nothing but 256 colors and 640X480. With the card that was in before I could get True Color and 800X600 with no problem. That was until it fritzed on me. Appreciate the input.

Cyber, I cannot determine whether or not the MB is 2 or 4X, nor can't tell how the card may, or may not ralate to it. There's nothing in the AGP card manual. I'm going to hunt down a Tyan Trinity 100 man and see what I can see. Thanks.

I have two posts going and I think they cross somewhere along the line.

I am working a Tyan Trinity 100 board with almost 300 megs of ram and an AMD k-6/2 300 processor. If it got much slower it'd be in reverse, even for a 300MHz.
I bought an ATI Rage 128, 32 megs on board from CompUSA and was assured it is compatible with the Tyan. It certainly appeared to be. After installation I was able to activate True Color at 800X600; couldn't do that before.

I've reinstalled 98SE thinking it would solve the sound problem in my other post, but alas and alack other problems have jumped up and are biting(byting) me in the behind. Windows is freezing when I do certain things. It was suggested I go into Control Panel and make an adjustment in the sound Icon, but at that point the computer freezes and when I "Control-Alt-Delete" it shows "My Computer" not responding, and of course I shut it down and reboot, basically coming up with the same response every time, but with a new twist. Windows has now decide there is a Page Fault (or whatever that is) and requires closing. Now I'm having difficulty coming up with a DeskTop.

Should I try reinstalling 98 again, and is there anything else to do while doing this? In BIOS I've dropped the AGP aperture from 128 to 64, but that doesn't change anything. One other thing in BIOS, there's a write and read AGP WS in the PnP; write is enabled and read is disabled. I don't know if this comes into play or not.

Boy howdy, any help with the Frankenstein Monster would be appreciated. Thanks.


640x480 16bpp is usually an indication that you have to install drivers for your video device, not a BIOS setting.

640x480 16bpp is usually an indication that you have to install drivers for your video device, not a BIOS setting.

I'm with you on that. I tried the drivers with the CD; tried driver downloaded from the site and got no satisfaction. Big "B" suggested there might be an incompatibility between the MB and display card. I got a new one and it worked.

Apparently in the process I've probably created additional problems, re: the lockup of "MYCOMPUTER." I threw out the BIOS info to see if any ideas came to anyone. It sure didn't to me.

Thanks for the input,

640x480 16bpp is usually an indication that you have to install drivers for your video device, not a BIOS setting.

He already did for his sound card I think he would do the same for all his cards....

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