this crappy computer doesnt want to work! working on my dad's computer and it bluescreens randomly at 15-20 minutes! have no clue but my friend thinks it is the mobo.
just replaced ram and upgraded it and upgraded video while i had it open. no blown caps on the mobo. it is a compaq presario from around 2004. amd sempron and 768 mb ram (originally 512.) had 2 hdds because an older computer we had had all kinds of docs on it and i was too lazy to transfer the files. this hdd failed but I had a backup. transferred backed up files and thought i fixed it. but no the bsods still happen sometimes. if anyone can help i would be happy.thank you

Check the HDD for unusual sounds (as if there is pin inside). If found, then you have to replace the HDD.

Can you post the BSOD message or its screenshot here? It would be helpful if you can at least give more details for the BSOD error so we can identify your problem and help you out further...

You may need to press F8 during bootup and select disable automatic restart on failure.

the bsod has stop errror code STOP:0X000000F4. the hdd sounds normal and I just removed a bad hdd.

the disk is configured as master and is a seagate barracuda. the computer never enters standby because I disabled it. that did not fix the problem.thank you anyway!

hi! the file in question according to bsod viewer is ntoskrnl.exe. thanks for your help! -mike

Try safe mode and see if the computer shows BSOD.

Here is how to get to the safe mode:

Press F8 when PC powered on, select from the boot menu safe mode and hit enter.

If this works, try backup the data needed, and reinstall the WinXp from scratch.

Hope this helps!

commented: Best solution +4
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